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Hotline for people at odds with the church

With a new project entitled “Go or stay?”, Kolping wants to Diocese of Würzburg get into conversation with torn Christians and help to clarify doubts. They would have what it takes to positively shape the image of the church as credible and committed Christians in their parish. Because they burn for the gospel. Because God is important to them, says a Kolping press release. “But they quarrel with the church as an institution,” says Peter Langer from the Würzburg Kolping Academy.

Many things are not going well in the church, and it is understandable that Christians are piling up more and more doubts. “But we as Kolping don’t want to stand by and watch people turn their backs on the church,” says the diocesan president, Deacon John Jens. In the past few months, the Catholic association has been thinking about how to counteract this. The result was the project “Go or stay?” Behind it is a Hotlinewhich should be unlocked in the coming weeks.


Trained volunteers offer doubting Christians the opportunity to talk about questions and needs. John Is very concerned about the trend of turning one’s back on the Church in the face of some undoubtedly unfortunate developments. “What would a society look like in which the church no longer plays any role?” he wonders.


Of course, the abuse scandals also got under his skin. “What is really bad, however, is that in the meantime there has been a frightening generalization”, states the theologian. Priests from the diocese reported on this again and again. As bad as each individual case of abuse is, placing all theologians under general suspicion is going too far and is causing new suffering. In the dark hours, it sometimes seems to Christians who are torn, convinced, but at the same time critical, as if they had to choose between the plague and cholera. In these hours it seemed to them basically impossible to remain longer in the institution of the church. But it is just as unimaginable to have to live your own faith outside of a solid community from now on.

“In view of these conflicts, there is a need for offers of talks,” emphasizes Kolping in the press release. It used to be a matter of course for the younger generation to honor what the older generation passed on to them. But today is different. “Not even faith is passed on within the family anymore,” confirms John. In the training courses and events of the Kolping Academy, it is felt again and again that this break in the religious tradition leads to painful gaps. Questions of meaning remained open. A great hunger for spirituality can be felt.

Who at the in preparation Hotline calls shouldn’t have to be afraid of saying something inappropriate or even making a mistake. “Even people who work at the church sometimes have the thought that they should leave the institution,” he says Langer.

The project wants to contribute to expressing and discussing all doubts and questions without any taboo. It is not about the fact that at the end of the conversation there is a definitive decision for or against the church.

“The purpose is to create an exchange platform,” emphasizes Langer. In the training so far, five volunteers have learned how to conduct conversations. course instructor Irene Schneidertheologian with many years of experience in personal development and spiritual guidance. pow

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