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“Hotel Paradise 2”: FINAL of the 2nd edition of the show today

Comes to an end 2nd edition of “Hotel Paradise”. For many weeks we followed the participants’ love adventures, their ups and downs, joys and great quarrels. The last week in Bali was full of emotions – the approaching final made them fight for victory let go of the nerves.

In the Wednesday episode they said goodbye to the program Magda i&nbspRobert. Thus, it became clear that in the final we will see two pairs –Ata (Beata Postek) and Artur Sargsyan and Sonia Szklanowska and Łukasz Karpiński.

Before reaching the finals, the participants went through a stormy road. And yes Arthur was initially paired with Dominika for a long time. However, entering Beata’s program made Artur pay attention to her and finally became involved with her. Ata, 27, who runs a hairdressing salon in Warsaw, although initially she noticed Ivan, after some time she chose Arthur. The 22-year-old from Poznań (whose homeland is Armenia) works on a daily basis.

See also: Ewel0na is recording a new music video!

The second pair of finalists are Sonia and Łukasz. Interestingly, they both get along on average, there are often conflicts between them. 20-year-old Sonia from Bydgoszcz, who runs a beauty salon on a daily basis, at the beginning declared that she is in love with Magda’s partner, Robert. During the program, Sonia was with several partners – including Adam and Krystian. In one of the last episodes, Being able to choose from among all participants, she chose Łukaszwho also flirted with Julia before. Sonia’s chosen one is 24 years old, lives in Warsaw and is a personal trainer. As Sonia herself says – together they form a completely mismatched pair.


In the final, the winning pair will decide for themselves whether to divide the winnings equally or not. Here’s what today’s final will look like:

The partners will stand at both ends of the path where the increasing amounts of money are visible as if on a ladder. They stand in the fields with the smallest amount. The closer to each other, the amounts increase. Each of them is holding a golden glass ball in their hand. At the leader’s slogan, they begin a slow march to the middle of the path, where they can meet. If they both get to the middle, they take all the winnings with them and divide it in half. However, they can take the ball earlier – then that person will receive the entire amount they were standing on, and their partner leaves with nothing –explains the production of the program.



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