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Hot Washington! US & Israel’s Archenemies Arrive in Brazil


Tommy Patrio SorongCNBC Indonesia


Monday, 06/03/2023 19:30 WIB

Photo: Iranian Warship Abdollah Roudaki (Sepahnews via AP)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Iranian warships docked in Brazilian territory on Thursday, (2/3/2023). This happened when the geopolitical relationship between Tehran and the United States (US) heated up.

According to US State Department spokesman Ned Price, Washington is currently discussing the issue with Brazil. He stressed that the US side would not give Iran a foothold in the region.

“Certainly not the case of the Brazilian government, the Brazilian people want to do whatever will help, which will help the government, the regime that is responsible for the brutal crackdown and violent repression of its own people,” he was quoted as saying FOX News.

Israel also voiced the same thing. Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson Lior Lahat said this matter needed to be resolved because Iran is a country that poses a threat to it.

“Israel views the berth of an Iranian warship in Brazil a few days ago as a dangerous and regrettable development. Brazil should not allow an evil nation to dock,” he said on Twitter.

Previously, Brasilia granted permission for the Iranian warships, IRIS Makran and IRIS Dena, to stay in Rio de Janeiro Harbor until March 4. The US Department of the Treasury’s Department of Foreign Assets Control last month sanctioned both vessels.

The trip by the Iranian Navy comes amid rising tensions between Tehran and the West over the collapse of the 2015 nuclear deal when Iran enriched uranium to weapons grades.

Iranian officials have described the trip as a challenge to American influence in its own backyard. Iranian official media even called the trip a challenge to US “hegemony” and reported on Iranian plans to send warships to the Panama Canal.

In a statement, US Senator Ted Cruz noted that the US had sanctioned two Iranian warships. This makes it possible for Washington to join in imposing sanctions on Brazil.

“The Biden administration is obligated to impose relevant sanctions, reevaluate Brazil’s cooperation with US counterterrorism efforts, and re-examine whether Brazil maintains effective counterterrorism measures in its ports,” Cruz wrote.


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