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Hot Relations, US Aircraft Carrier Exercises in the South China Sea

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Navy United States of America said one of its aircraft carriers, the USS Reagan, had entered South China Sea to carry out routine missions on Tuesday (15/6).

“In the South China Sea, strike groups are conducting maritime security operations, including flight operations by aircraft, maritime strike drills, and coordinated tactical training between ground and air units,” the US Navy said in a statement. Reuters.

“Aircraft carrier operations in the South China Sea are part of the US Navy’s regular presence in the Indo-Pacific.”

The Navy said the USS Reagan was accompanied by the missile cruiser USS Shiloh and the missile destroyer USS Halsey.

The deployment of this warship fleet was carried out by the US when tensions between Washington and Beijing continued to increase, especially after the meeting of the G7 group of countries in Cornwall, England, June 11-13.

During the meeting, China’s behavior became one of the main topics discussed by the seven developed countries.

In the document of the meeting (communique) released after the meeting took place, the G7 countries clearly touched on China, starting from the issue of human rights for the Uighur ethnic group in Xinjiang, Hong Kong autonomy, the coronavirus pandemic, to the South China Sea.

In the document, the G7 countries also called on China to respect human rights (HAM) and fundamental freedoms, especially for the people of Xinjiang.

The seven largest economies have also asked China to give Hong Kong more freedom and autonomy under the 1984 British-China status transfer agreement.

“We will promote our core values, including calling on China to respect human rights and freedoms, especially in relation to policies in Xinjiang, as well as human rights, freedoms and a wider degree of autonomy for Hong Kong under the Sino-British Joint-Declaration. and Basic Law,” reads the excerpt of the document with the G7.

The South China Sea has indeed been one of the triggers for US-China tensions so far. Beijing claims nearly 90 percent of the resource-rich waters that intersect with the sea areas of a number of countries, especially in Southeast Asia.

Although the US has no territorial claims in the South China Sea, the United States is trying to keep one of the world’s main trade routes as free international waters.

China has often objected or even been angry with the deployment of US ships and fighter jets in the South China Sea.

Although its historical claim to the South China Sea was challenged by an international arbitration tribunal in 2016, China continues to assert its ownership by increasing its military presence in the waters.

To counter China’s claims, US warships have been going back and forth through the South China Sea in recent years.

(rds / dea)

[Gambas:Video CNN]

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