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Hot Celebrity Loves and Betrayals: Alessia Marcuzzi, Pamela Prati, Belen, Stefano, and Victoria De Angelis

Loves that go, loves that come. July is winding down but it still reserves surprises in terms of hot loves (Marcuzzi, Prati and De Angelis) and betrayals (Belen and Stefano).

Alessia Marcuzzi back with her ex-husband?

The toy boy Jody Proietti (32 years old) has already gone into oblivion. Alessia Marcuzzi goes to revival with her ex-husband. Yes, because the weekly People he pinched the presenter in Formentera in the company not of Stefano De Martino but of Paolo Calabresi Marconi. “Chat, glances of understanding and romantic dinners. He seeks contact and she does not escape, it seems the dance of rediscovered love”, writes the weekly. After all, he had said he was willing to do anything to win her back. Will he have succeeded? The photos speak of a rapprochement. Time will tell

Pamela Prati: after Mark there is Simone

New love for Pamela Prati who, after the ghost story with Mark Caltagirone, seems to have breached the heart of Simon Ferrante. He’s a model and he’s 19, but the age difference (45) doesn’t seem to interfere. The two were caught on a hot Roman night by the photographers of the weekly Diva and Donna as they kiss and exchange tenderness. “I dreamed of you as one dreams of the rose and the wind,” the showgirl wrote on Instagram a few days ago, posting a shot with Simone. And there was no shortage of criticism. But at least this time Simone is in the flesh.

Last, his ex at the concert sings his songs

But hadn’t they broken up badly? Yet, the historic ex-girlfriend of Ultimo (the singer) was filmed during the ex’s concert at San Siro while she sang all the lyrics of the Roman singer-songwriter at the top of her lungs. The video, which has been circulating on the web for hours, leaves no doubt. Federica Lelli, on the shoulders of a stranger, sings “September 22” song written for her by Ultimo. Apparently the grudges are a thing of the past.

Belen in hotel, Stefano a Disneyland

The house is empty. Belen is gone and Stefano as well. She took refuge in the hotel, he in Disneyland. In short, De Martino has flown thousands of kilometers away from gossip, from alleged horns (this time it will be his turn?) and even from those who want him close to Marcuzzi. Stefano took Santiago and flew to Paris to enjoy a few days of fun and entertainment with the son, leaving full freedom to Belen. Little Luna Marì is with dad Antonino and this weekend, perhaps, Argentina will meet Elio Lorenzoni again. Will a new couple really be born?

Victoria De Angelis, bewitched by the Moon (Brazilian)

After all the flirting that has been foisted on her, the bassist of Maneskin seems to be serious with the Brazilian model Luna. Gossip magazines surprised Victoria De Angelis in the company of Luna Passos around Rome hand in hand and then kissing at the tables of a bar. What seemed to be just a summer flirt, born in Formentera, seems to be something more serious for the musician, but fans are ready to bet that with winter the moon will change.

2023-07-22 05:28:00
#Stefano #flies #Belen #Pamela #Prati #kisses #year #Marcuzzi #exhusband

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