Home » today » Health » [Hot and cold food]Eating according to your constitution can effectively dispel cold or reduce fire. 24 kinds of common vegetables, fruits and meat have cold and hot properties – Hong Kong Economic Daily – TOPick – Health – Health and Beauty

[Hot and cold food]Eating according to your constitution can effectively dispel cold or reduce fire. 24 kinds of common vegetables, fruits and meat have cold and hot properties – Hong Kong Economic Daily – TOPick – Health – Health and Beauty

Eating according to the constitution can effectively dispel cold or reduce fire. Chinese medicine practitioners teach to distinguish the cold and heat properties of 24 common vegetables, fruits and meat.

Everyone’s physique is divided into cold and heat, and different physiques are suitable for eating different foods. How to choose? Registered TCM doctor Ma Qijie taught everyone to distinguish the cold and hot properties of 24 common fruits and vegetables.

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Dr. Ma posted on his Facebook page, saying that food, like medicine, has smells, which are called “four qi and five flavors” in Chinese medicine. “Qi” refers to the four properties of cold, hot, warm, and cool in medicine or food, also known as the four qi. In addition, there is flatness, which means that the cold and heat bias is not obvious. Common foods are classified by the four qi. Cold and cool foods have the functions of clearing away heat, removing fire and detoxification;

Different bodies suit different foods

Dr. Ma pointed out that people in Hong Kong generally eat a cooler diet and often air-condition indoors, so most of them have a cold physique. If the body has cold symptoms, such as cold hands and feet, stomach pain, abdominal distension, diarrhea, obesity, dysmenorrhea, and oily hair, it reflects severe cold and blood deficiency in the body. At this time, choose warm food to eat to stimulate the function , increased vitality, unimpeded blood vessels, improving weak physical condition and atrophic function.

In addition, if the body has signs of heat, such as upset and insomnia, skin rash, sore throat, dry stool, chest tightness, upset, yellow and red urine, and weight loss, it means that the body is hot, with strong vitality and sufficient blood. If you eat too much, you will get angry Therefore, cold food can be properly selected to cool down and remove internal heat.

Doctors reminded that most natural foods have certain curative effects, as long as you know how to use them, you can achieve “medicine and food from the same source”. However, if the condition is serious, you should consult a Chinese medicine doctor as soon as possible, and do not eat indiscriminately.

The hot and cold properties of 24 common fruits and vegetables are shown in the figure:

The content is “Chinese Medicine Dad B – Dr. Ma QijieReprinted with permission.

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Editor in charge: Zhang Pei

column name: Health Expert Column

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