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Hospitals Noord-Holland and Flevoland are scaling down regular care

Virtually all hospitals in Noord-Holland and Flevoland are scaling down regular care by 20 percent in order to keep care as accessible as possible during the second corona wave, reports the Regional Overleg Acute Care (ROAZ).

Despite the collaboration with the National Center for Patient Distribution (LCPS), which helps to distribute corona patients across the country, the increase in the number of corona patients means that the hospitals are unable to continue regular care at the normal level.

Non-urgent appointments, operations and interventions are postponed. Emergency care will continue as with the first corona wave.

“We are trying to scale down 20 percent in a safe way,” says Yvo Roos, chairman of the ROAZ. “The difference with the previous wave is that it is now more controlled.”

Increase in infections

Even today, the number of new infections increased more nationally than the day before. 4,581 new confirmed corona infections were reported to the RIVM until 10:00 this morning. 810 corona patients are in hospital, 177 of whom are in intensive care.

In a number of hospitals, such as the Antoni van Leeuwenhoek and the Burns Center, care is not scaled down.

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