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Hospitals in Michoacán where SSM performs free mammograms

SSM offers access to free mammograms in hospitals in Michoacán for the early detection of breast cancer

Morelia, Michoacan.- The Michoacan Health Secretariat (SSM) keeps the strategy for early detection of breast cancer active, thus making its seven fixed and four mobile units available to women aged 40 to 69, where mammograms are performed free of charge.

The fixed units are located in the Dr. Miguel Silva and Women’s Hospitals in Morelia, Zamora, Zitácuaro, Uruapan, the Medical Specialties Unit for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer (Uneme Dedicam) and the State Center for Oncological Care (CEAO).

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In addition, at Uneme Dedicam they are also given oncogynecological consultations, ultrasounds and biopsies are performed; while at CEAO they provide free diagnosis and treatment to women without insured rights with this pathology.

Another detection action is carried out in health centers where women aged 25 to 39 are given a clinical examination as a means of prevention and detection; while those over 20 years of age are guided and taught how to perform a self-examination.

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