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Hospitals, between money and construction sites in Turin, a special team against mafia infiltration is also born

by Simona De Ciero

The building plan that the four will have to supervise involves, in total, the construction of 11 new hospitals, 4 regenerations and expansions, 91 community homes and 30 community hospitals, as well as 43 territorial operations centers.

The new Piedmontese healthcare buildings it will cost four and a half billion euros between Inail funds, state and regional resources, the recovery and resilience plan and economies introduced by private entities. For this reason, the Region tries to prevent any possible mafia infiltration and, within its healthcare management, announces the creation of a group of experts on combating illegality in the management of procurement and healthcare services.

A new working group of which they are part Filippo Dispenzaretired Prefect and Extraordinary Commissioner of the Government of Caivano; Franco FrascaBrigadier General of the Carabinieri; Giovanni Mainolfi, General of the Army Corps of the Guardia di Finanza and Antonio Rinaudo, former Public Prosecutor of the District Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism Directorate of the Public Prosecutor’s Office of Turin.

The building plan that the four will have to supervise involves, in all, the construction of 11 new hospitals, 4 regenerations and extensions, 91 community homes and 30 community hospitalsas well as 43 territorial operations centers. «These are large investments for over 170 interventions, including hospitals and community homes, for which, depending on the case, planning, tenders and works are taking place which in the coming years will give a new and renewed face to the hospitals of our region in way to respond more and better to the care needs of our citizens – he specified yesterday, during the presentation of the team, the Piedmontese governor Alberto Cirio –. The monitoring and control systems of the various interested parties are in place together with the various state bodies responsible for supervision in these fields to guarantee absolute respect for transparency and legality”.

An act that demonstrates a certain institutional prudence, but far from excessive. Just think of how, just a few weeks ago, the Council of Ministers had the provincial health authority of Vibo Valentia was dissolved due to mafia infiltration. Or remember some of the numerous judicial investigations carried out in Piedmont. Like the one on which Giovanni Mainolfi himself worked who, in the 1980s in Turin, identified and dismantled the Catania clan that dominated the drug squares under the Mole.

«We need to speed up the process as much as possible to provide Piedmontese citizens with new and innovative hospitals and healthcare facilitiesbut this must not be to the detriment of respect and safeguarding legality – he adds the regional health councilor Federico Riboldi –. The current legislation already contains important measures to combat the infiltration of organized crime, but I believe it is necessary to increase checks more. And it is better to do it by making use of very high professionalism such as those identified.”

Among the first issues that the working group will certainly want to deal with, probably also includes the affair, which for now remains to be ascertained, which could also concern the Consorzio Stabile Sis, which won the related tender at the Parco della Salute in Turin. A few days ago, in fact, the Fiamme Gialle carried out some searches with the hypothesis of corruption and bid rigging as part of the road procurement investigation. And among the companies subject to the searches there is also the Sis Consortium. Everything to be ascertained, in fact. But yet another (albeit presumed) tile, on a project worth just under a billion euros and which has been talked about for thirty years, certainly wasn’t needed.

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