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Hospital Valle de los Pedroches begins the activity of its first magnetic resonance

The first resonance with which the Hospital Valle de los Pedroches has in the North Sanitary Area of ​​Córdoba, in which the Junta de Andalucía has invested almost one million euros, began its activity this Tuesday with the first cited patient. In this sense, the territorial delegate of Health and Families, María Jesús Botella, who has come to see the facilities and the start of activity in the center, accompanied by the managing director of the North Sanitary Area of ​​Córdoba, Ana Leal, has indicated that “Today we see a project that began months ago come true and whose investment is a faithful reflection of the importance that the Junta de Andalucía gives to Andalusian health and that has come to reinforce the attention to the needs that we face daily in the face of the pandemic ”.

Along the same lines, the managing director has shown that “today is a day of great satisfaction for the management team of the health area, because we make one of our great bets a reality, which was to offer this benefit to the citizens of the North Health Area to continue advancing in the quality of care that we provide on a daily basis and to offer a service that is more than necessary and that will avoid many trips to another center each year ”. “This will allow us to carry out a series of diagnostic tests in our hospital that will greatly improve the care provided,” said Ana Leal.

Furthermore, María Jesús Botella has indicated that “with this new installation, the first MRI to be installed in the Hospital, the North Córdoba Health Area advances in accessibility to the Nuclear Magnetic Resonance test for the citizens of the area of ​​influence, and We therefore improve the services portfolio at Hospital Valle de los Pedroches, especially considering that some 1,800 single and 800 double resonances have been performed annually ”.

This first MRI, which has a 1.5 Tesla magnet, allows a high spatial and temporal resolution, which translates into a better assessment of the patient’s anatomical detail. It is a high-tech equipment that offers new diagnostic and therapeutic possibilities and that will improve the response to the growing demand for this modality in the northern health area of ​​Córdoba.

The delegate explained that “this technological endowment represents a qualitative leap for the entire area, since it will allow studies and diagnoses to be carried out without the need to travel to another center, which will improve service to users, who will not have to travel outside the hospital, in addition, the users of the area will have a diagnostic equipment with the same benefits as those of any other equipment in the province ”.

Citizenship benefit

This resonance offers a non-invasive technology, which uses a magnetic field (it does not use ionizing radiation) and does not require hospitalization and is highly sensitive. Studies of different pathologies will be carried out, some of them highly complex, corresponding to the different sections that make up the radiodiagnosis unit (abdomen, musculoskeletal, neuroradiology, breast), promoting the specialization of professionals. Specifically, the new equipment makes it possible to carry out, among others, studies aimed at specific staging that will help in the planning of the treatment of rectal cancer, breast cancer, prostate studies, spectroscopy focused on tissue biochemistry, entero-resonance , brain studies, spine, and so on.

A rigorous fine-tuning process has been started prior to its start-up, which ensures the best possible image quality and maximum safety for patients and professionals involved. As it is a team that requires a high qualification from the professionals in charge of carrying out the studies, the North Sanitary Area of ​​Córdoba launched a training plan, aimed at the professionals in charge of its management, related to its general operation and its applications, which will allow “its use and utilization for the benefit of citizens”, has shown María Jesús Botella.

The reform and adaptation of the section in which said machinery is to be installed has also formed part of the investment plan for health infrastructures of the Junta de Andalucía in the Area with the aim of improving the spaces against COVID-19 and which has meant a total of 1,150,000 euros. This plan has contemplated, among others, the reform and expansion of the ICU and operating rooms.

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