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Hospital only wants vaccinated staff to work with vulnerable patients

The Rijnstate Hospital in Arnhem only wants vaccinated staff to work in wards with vulnerable patients. Driver Hans Schoo therefore calls on the cabinet to make it legally possible for employers to ask about the vaccination status of employees.

“Of course we follow the law and it still says that our plan is not allowed. I also have a lot of empathy for my people, but I am also very concerned that patients will avoid our hospital again,” says Schoo. “I therefore call on the Minister of Health to make it possible for us to be sure that everyone who works with vulnerable people has been vaccinated.”

In many healthcare institutions, the question about vaccination registration leads to heated discussions. The branches for elderly care, disabled care and home care supports An call from a number of members of the Outbreak Management Team to politicians to make it possible through registration to know which healthcare provider has been vaccinated and which has not.

More hospital for registration

Proponents believe that the right to privacy for healthcare staff is subordinate to the risk that vulnerable people run in their care. They are also afraid that patients or clients will avoid care because they are afraid of a corona infection from a healthcare provider.

A tour of the NOS shows that six hospitals would like to register. Sixteen hospitals say they do not (yet) need the knowledge about the vaccination coverage of their staff or refer to the national rules that do not allow registration.

Moral consultation with staff

The Rijnstate board will shortly inform the staff about the intention to guarantee a hundred percent vaccination coverage in some departments, by holding a “moral deliberation” about it.

“I want to discuss it with my staff and will not force anyone to get vaccinated. But the outcome may be that we may look for another workplace for someone who really does not want to,” says Schoo.

“We now receive a lot of questions from patients whether our employees are vaccinated. We then tell them that they can come to us safely because we work with protective equipment, but some just want the certainty. Even if we have to deal with a new wave of infections , put unvaccinated people at greater risk.”

Advice from the judge

The introduction of the rule should therefore only apply to working with the most vulnerable, for example in the departments of oncology, infectious diseases, kidney dialysis and intensive care. In Rijnstate this relates to about 1000 of the 4000 employees. The policy should also apply to new employees in those departments.

An estimated 90 percent of the employees in Rijnstate are now vaccinated. More insight into the vaccination rate in the wards – something that is currently not legally possible – can lead to targeted protective measures, is the opinion.

Schoo: “If the minister does not agree, we will consider whether we can work with other parties to ask the judge for advice. I don’t really want to be at odds with my employees, but maybe It is also time for the judge to rule on it.”

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