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Hospital Negligence Leads to Patient’s Coma and Death: A Story of Hygiene and Sterilization Standards Being Ignored

About two years ago, a patient entered an important hospital in Beirut to undergo an operation on his head, so he went home to rest. But after a few days, he showed signs of infection in the wound. He returned to the hospital to discover a “semi-medical error”, which led to an infection in the wound. They reopened it, which caused the patient to enter a coma from which he did not wake up for about a year and a half, before he died.

You get such errors. It is important to take responsibility. But in a time of economic crisis, it happens more, and what the writer Shaker Khazal tells about his mother’s injury in a Beirut hospital indicates that many standards in hospitals are no longer respected.

She entered the hospital.. and she was no longer the same
Khazal’s mother entered the hospital at the end of March due to a stroke, and it was discovered that she had a benign tumor in her head, so the doctors decided to intervene to remove it surgically, and the date of the operation was on March 28. She entered the operation and came out of it in a coma, after which she was able to open her eyes, but she never returned to normal.

Khazal indicated in an interview with Al-Modon that he received a call from the hospital on April 27, informing him that his mother had a bacterial infection. He was told that this infection occurs naturally with many patients, only to discover later, with the help of a nurse in the hospital, that the bacteria had been transmitted for reasons related to lack of hygiene and the negligence of the medical and nursing staff. Which makes patients at risk. One of us may be hospitalized for a simple reason, and he may never get out of it.

A nurse reveals the truth to the parents
This nurse reveals that two reasons may have caused the transmission of the bacterial infection to Khazal’s mother. The first is not changing the “urinary catheter” for more than a month. This makes the chances of infection great. The second is not observing hygiene and sterilization standards while working with more than one patient. He indicated through Al-Modon that this bacteria was present in the hospital at that time with a patient, and it was transferred to two other patients.

The nurse, who told the family the truth about what happened to their patient, confirms that his work and humanity oblige him to talk to the patient’s family and inform them of what is going on, because the hospital put in place flimsy and incorrect arguments, in order not to take responsibility for treating the patient after she was infected with the bacteria, and he says: “I did my duty. It may be One of my family members will be in this situation in the future, and work standards should not be underestimated under any pretext.”

Khazal has a leaked recording of about 6 minutes, in which one of the doctors concerned with his mother’s condition talks with the nurses about the lack of coordination and communication between the doctors and those responsible for infection control, in addition to the use of inappropriate phrases about the patient’s condition and what happened with her. Here, the pathogen through “cities” indicates that this bacterium is transmitted through surfaces, and lives only for a few minutes, and this is what makes the reasons for its transmission clear.

Khazal discharged his mother from the hospital and visited the Minister of Health, Firas Al-Abyad, about a month ago, to put him in the atmosphere of his mother’s file. The minister requested – according to Al-Modon’s information – that he be provided with all the necessary details and papers in the file. This is what Khazal is currently working on after his return from abroad, as he intends to file a complaint with the hospital, especially after he met the person responsible for it, who told him when asked about hygiene and sterilization standards: “Unfortunately, our culture is like this.”

We reserve the right to mention the name of the hospital until the Ministry of Health takes action.

2023-08-04 08:31:40

#Deaths #comas #bacterial #outbreaks #Hospital #hygiene #standards #falling

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