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Hospital establishment project: the CGT sees “positive orientations” in it but votes no

the essential
The CGT of the Montauban hospital makes an update following the words of Brigitte Barèges concerning the 2022-2026 establishment project.

On Wednesday July 6, during the press briefing organized at the Montauban hospital center with the director Sébastien Massip and the president of the CME, Dr Jérôme Roustan, Brigitte Barèges, president of the supervisory board, had underlined that “the 2022- 2026 had received the consent of all the trade unions”.

Manuelita Vintar, secretary general of the CGT of the hospital center, “wishes to point out the inaccuracy of the remarks made”, indicating that during the technical committee of establishment (CTE) of June 28, his union had voted against this project. In the motion tabled during this CTE, the CGT had certainly recognized that “this establishment project” was “full of laudable and good intentions, words that are in good place and adapted to the public health challenges of our department in terms of of needs and adaptation of the care offer. These elements can only elicit approval in terms of the supply of care and medical and paramedical recruitment projects. However, it is sorely lacking in the fundamental elements for implementing these: planning, financing…”

“The social component is too atrophied in its prospects for realization, for us to issue a favorable opinion on this project in its entirety”, had justified the CGT during the technical committee of establishment.

The CGT demands “the immediate implementation of all the actions decided on a long time ago and until then not adopted or completely stopped despite the multiple requests of the staff representatives: commission of work accidents and occupational diseases; single document, related to occupational risks; staff mobility, while they are already penalized in terms of grade advancement”.

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Thus, “despite the positive orientations that demonstrate a real desire for progress, the social component is too atrophied in its prospects for implementation, for us to issue a favorable opinion on this project in its entirety. Therefore, we disapprove of this establishment project,” the motion concludes.

More than this vote against, Brigitte Barèges undoubtedly preferred to retain the “positive orientations” mentioned by the CGT in her motion. It is rare enough indeed to be underlined.

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