Tijn Kolsteren (2010-2017), who also suffered from brain stem cancer, now became a national hero four years ago through his nail polish campaign. That was after he visited the Glass House of 3FM Serious Request. The Netherlands bought the paint it offered en masse. 1.2 million was raised for a robot. The money was placed with the Semmy Foundation. John Emmerik and Nicole van Dijk-Bakker founded this foundation in 2007, after the death of their son Semmy from brain stem cancer.
According to the Princess Máxima Center, the new robotic arm will be used to take biopsies from deep-lying brain tumors in children. “In the long term, medication can also be administered directly into these deep-lying tumors with the robotic system, hopefully for a more effective treatment with fewer side effects,” said the hospital.
“Bringing medicines directly to brain stem tumors, that’s what we had in mind with our foundation from the beginning. We already wanted to administer that to Semmy. It gives us great satisfaction to now offer this new robotic arm, ”said Semmy’s parents.
The robotic arm is expected to be commissioned early next year. Tijn died in 2017 a week before his seventh birthday from DIPG, a form of brain stem cancer. In the Netherlands, 150 children get a brain tumor every year, ten of them in the brain stem. There is no cure yet.
The nail polish campaign was a great success at the time.
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“Tijn wanted to help others. The purchase of the robot arm ensures that it still does this, indirectly. We hope that the robotic arm will contribute to the treatment of brain stem cancer, so that a cure is possible in the future. The loss of your child is inhumanly great, we hope that others will be spared this suffering ”, say Tijn’s parents, Jolanda and Gerrit Kolsteren.
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