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Horse veterinary fees

horse vaccines

For a horse, 3 vaccines are to be considered:

  • influenza ;
  • tetanus;
  • to rhinopneumonia.

Only the flu vaccine is mandatory for horse gatherings. Race horses (show jumping or other horse races) and other competition horses are therefore required to be up to date with their flu vaccination. Other vaccinations are optional, but recommended.

Vaccination against influenza takes place in several stages with two injections spaced 21 to 92 days apart, a booster after 6 months, then a booster every year.


Count between 40 and 80 €, according to veterinarians, for an injection.

Dewormer for a horse

The horse, however big it is, is quite fragile. To protect it, like any pet like dogs and cats, it is necessary to deworm it. Dewormers protect it against worms and other intestinal parasites.

The horse is dewormed 4 times a year, at each change of season. Count, this time, on average 20 €.

Emergency consultations

During leisure or competition, a horse can be injured. He can also fall ill suddenly. If that is the case, you will need to call a veterinarian urgently. Veterinary medicine provides for emergency interventions with an equine veterinarian on duty.

Veterinary costs to be expected are around €100 per consultation in the evening and on weekends. For veterinary emergencies, it may be necessary to count examinations. The price will then vary according to the very nature of these additional examinations. (blood test, ultrasound, X-ray or other medical imaging, etc.).

consultation for colic

Colic is a real health problem in horses. Horse colic can be serious, it is important to quickly contact a veterinary clinic to treat your horse. Surgical intervention may be necessary, which will increase the amount of veterinary costs. For a consultation for colic, count around 200 €.


horse surgery

As with humans, surgical costs are high. The amount will be determined by the nature of the surgery (tumor, fracture, colic, etc.). Here you have to go to a veterinary hospital center or a veterinary clinic depending on the establishment closest to your home.

Here you will have to count both veterinary services, surgical interventions and hospitalization in the hospital center. A few thousand euros, or even more, will be committed.

Medical procedures

Veterinary consultations, medications or injections to treat your horse, different expenses are to be expected during the life of the horseas is the case for pets (dog and cat, dwarf rabbit, ferret, etc.).

For a simple consultation, count around 40 €. Please note that it is not always possible to take your horse to a veterinary practice. In addition, count the trip, which will be determined by the distance with the attending veterinarian or the on-call veterinarian.

It is not only in the event of illness that you will have to consult the equine veterinarian. Among the medical acts on horses, we think of scaling, the teeth of the horse being specific. We are talking about equine dentistry here. Regarding the intervention of an equine dentist for a tooth filing, for example, count around 70 € under light anesthesia.


It is also possible to consult an osteopath, osteopathy being advised if your horse is injured, if he has sprained a leg, if he suffers from tendonitis, etc. The veterinarians of the order of veterinarians do not all have the necessary skills to practice equine osteopathy. It is necessary to ask the usual veterinarian if he practices osteopathy.

Horse orthopedic care

When we talk about veto for the horse’s animal health, it’s hard not to think of orthopaedics. For an orthopedic consultation, you will spend around 60 €. Then, the price will change according to the intervention (ultrasound, injection, infiltration, etc.).

Gynecology fees

If you do not want your horse or mare to reproduce, you will need to find a veterinarian. Castration, sterilization, the costs are different in male and female. Veterinary expenses may also vary, not according to breed, but according to the type of horse. The pony and the donkey cost less when it comes to castration.

Health insurance for your horse

Subscribe a pet insurance policy is essential, especially with a horse for which the health costs can be high, whether it is costs related to ophthalmology, a problem of coat, respiratory problems, ticks, a problem of ligaments, etc. .


From the simple visit to the veterinarian to preventive acts, including the medical costs generated by hospitalization, payment of costs s’impose.

Horse insurance allows you toobtain reimbursement of your horse’s medical expenses in a certain way. This support will vary according to the insurers and the guarantees included in the insurance contract.. This animal insurance may also include civil liability insurance, which covers damage caused by your horse (material or bodily).

Think well of compare equine insurance offers, just like you would for dog insurance. The objective is to be able to have your horse treated while controlling your budget with, a minima, part of the costs reimbursed. The owner of the horse must be able to protect himself for limit your remaining charge and be reimbursed correctly while subscribing the contract offering the cheapest premium with equivalent guarantees.

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