Home » today » Entertainment » Horror in Nisyros: “Tsunami” of complaints about the antiquities guard – He gave children drugs and sex toys (Video) – 2024-04-23 02:47:23

Horror in Nisyros: “Tsunami” of complaints about the antiquities guard – He gave children drugs and sex toys (Video) – 2024-04-23 02:47:23

Complaints about sexual harassment or abuse of children aged 10 to 15 against the antiquities guard in Nisyros are increasing as a total of eleven complaints from parents have been filed with the Kos prosecutor. At the same time, the facts that come to light about the 50-year-old’s actions are shocking.

The beginning was made after a parent complained about his 10-year-old son, who was even at risk of being deported due to a lack of documents, while the parents of the students who also protested outside the Nisyros Police Station. As the days go by, mouths are opening and parents of other minors are making complaints against the YPPO employee.

Specifically, a mother of a 14-year-old boy revealed that the 50-year-old reached out to children through their sports activities as a team player. And as he complains, he gave them drugs and sex toys.

«Our child told us that there were also cameras in the toilet. Also, that he had made it like a love nest. So he was saying to the guys ‘bring your girl, I’ll give you the key’. There are people who help him and cover for him, who have hidden his objects”witnesses report.

Another mother complaint

The parents’ descriptions of the actions of the 50-year-old archeologist are shocking.

«My child came on Monday afternoon, he had taken the matter to a different level, so he says “I want to talk to you, it concerns me too”. He goes up to the room, comes down and shows us condoms. We say to him “what are these?”. My son is a player in the team, 14.5 years old and in the last match they had, he had attracted him to the port of Rhodes and given them to him.

He told us that he has invited him to his house. She has shown him these toys that she has, suggested that he go try them out. She would find an excuse for him to go, supposedly “come let me give you something” and she would go and give him condoms. Since last summer, this story has been happening with the whole group of children, more than seven children will testify».

«I had no image. The only thing that had happened last year just before the schools started, were some children, whom he wanted to take on a day trip. He was “unruffled”, the wonderful man, the good-natured. He gave off something sly, I thought he was slimy. He was not my child among the children with substances. Mine was only with the sex objects.

He has given to some children from the company. Our child told us that there were also cameras in the toilet and that he had turned it into a kind of love nest. He used to say to the children “bring your girl, I’ll give you the key”. There are people who help him and cover for him, who have hidden his items. Sunday and Monday they had him at their homes.

They came out themselves and told us “you will see what will happen to you. The … has backs. You don’t know what’s behind it. We will tear you down”“, he adds.

Already the parents of six children have filed complaints and given statements, while five complaints are still in progress.

The watchman, it seems, did not limit his action only inside his house.

An EDE has been ordered against the 50-year-old who is being reported for negligence, while he has already been suspended.

The children also proceed to testify after being examined by a psychologist at the Rhodes Hospital.

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