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Horoscope today: This is how the stars stand on September 23, 2024

Whether it’s Pisces, Leo, Gemini or another constellation – every day there is a glimpse into the future for all signs of the zodiac. For many people, a horoscope is a small, valuable decision-making aid. Read here what the stars have in store for you today: The daily horoscope is available free of charge every day on MOPO.de!

Horoscope for Monday, September 23, 2024

Horoscope today: Aries (21.3. to 20.4.)

In the morning you will get certainty in a love affair. Seek contact in the afternoon! Don’t let other people’s bad moods affect you in the evening.

Horoscope today: Taurus (21.4. to 20.5.)

Keep the afternoon free for your hobbies. In the evening you can gently break free from emotional dependence. Stand by your feelings.

Horoscope today: Gemini (21.5. to 21.6.)

Big goals cannot be achieved to the extent planned today due to material constraints. Avoid arguments in the evening, look for a compromise.

Horoscope today: Cancer (22.6. to 22.7.)

Today, give the people around you some peace and quiet, don’t demand anything from them. In the evening, don’t try to impress others with exaggerations.

Horoscope today: Leo (23.7. to 23.8.)

It is not always easy for you to shield yourself from disturbing influences today. Make a conscious effort to withdraw, especially in the afternoon, otherwise you could lose a lot of time.

Horoscope today: Virgo (24.8. to 23.9.)

You can make a new start in a family matter today. Refresh a valuable contact at home in the early evening.

Horoscope today: Libra (24.9. to 23.10.)

Don’t settle for promises today, demand something tangible! Don’t let an attack in the late morning intimidate you. Face it!

Horoscope today: Scorpio (24.10. to 22.11.)

Today, stick to your plan and don’t get lost in unimportant details! Don’t spend money trying to impress others later in the afternoon.

Horoscope today: Sagittarius (23.11. to 21.12.)

In the morning you will have to struggle to concentrate, don’t take on too much! Work according to a fixed plan if possible. In the evening, be considerate of your partner.

Horoscope today: Capricorn (22.12. to 20.1.)

Don’t let yourself be influenced today by people who want to drive a wedge between you and others. Don’t believe everything that is said. Keep calm in the evening!

Horoscope today: Aquarius (21.1. to 19.2.)

In the morning you can expect a pleasant surprise. In the afternoon a gift can be a trap. Don’t let yourself be bought! The evening is good for conversation.

Horoscope today: Pisces (20.2. to 20.3.)

Don’t risk too much today! Give yourself enough time to make sure you’re making a careful decision. In the late afternoon, you’ll surprise people with your inventiveness.

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