Whether Pisces, Leo, Gemini or another constellation: For every zodiac sign there is a glimpse into the future every day. For many people, a horoscope is a small, valuable decision-making aid. Now read how the stars stand for you today: Today’s horoscope is available daily for free here on MOPO.de!
Horoscope for Saturday, February 11, 2023
Horoscope today: Aries (March 21 to April 20)
Stay on the ball when it comes to implementing long-term projects. In the morning you have an idea that strengthens your success. Collaborate with others in the evenings.
Horoscope today: Taurus (April 21 to May 20)
You can get a very good offer in the morning, which you should accept without hesitation! In the late afternoon you have a chance at love!
Horoscope today: Gemini (May 21 to June 21)
Capture a good thought that comes to you in the morning and develop it further. In the early afternoon you will achieve great success together with others.
Horoscope today: Cancer (June 22nd to July 22nd)
Excessive expectations lead you astray today. Be careful if you are met with amazing courtesy! In the evening, a look behind the scenes can be disappointing.
Horoscope today: Leo (July 23rd to August 23rd)
You shouldn’t let yourself be forced into making a promise or a commitment today, buy yourself time! Later in the evening you will have the appropriate counter-arguments ready.
Horoscope today: Virgo (24.8. to 23.9.)
You must not believe any rumor you hear today. They probably just want to weaken you. In the evening you can get clarity.
Horoscope today: Libra (September 24th to October 23rd)
Don’t be discouraged if you encounter resistance to your plans. With patience you will definitely reach your goal today.
Horoscope today: Scorpio (October 24th to November 22nd)
You have a quiet day ahead of you, are able to concentrate well and impress others with your reliability. Dedicate yourself to a task that requires diligence.
Horoscope today: Sagittarius (11/23 to 12/21)
You can now be motivated very easily and infected by the enthusiasm of others. In the afternoon you can achieve very nice successes. You find help from others.
Horoscope today: Capricorn (December 22nd to January 20th)
It is better to avoid disputes with which you have nothing to do. Don’t get worked up, save your strength. In the evening you should forgive a mistake.
Horoscope today: Aquarius (1/21 to 2/19)
Use this day to do written work. Write letters that are due, hold discussions! In the morning you will be approached on an important matter.
Horoscope today: Pisces (2/20 to 3/20)
Your ideas do not resonate with others as expected. Keep them to yourself for now. In the afternoon, a preparatory discussion can still be worthwhile.