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Horoscope Ranking 2021 Paolo Fox, The Usual Unknowns / Pisces Well, Taurus rising

How will it be 2021 for Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces? Paolo Fox reveals their horoscope live at I Soliti Ignoti. Starting from the first mentioned, Fox declares: “In 2020 you were among the strongest and therefore with broad shoulders you will face a 2021 that will give you even more. With great serenity try to carry on what interests you. ” As for Aquarius: “already in the first months of this 2021 you will feel the need to revolutionize your life. A year of chaos but also of protests, a situation therefore not really of growth but of revolution. I do not rule out that someone changes direction in their life, even changing jobs. VOTE 7.5. ” Finally for Pisces: “It is a time when you have an extra resource to exploit. It is an interesting year in which you will have two peaks: June and December. I guess you will have to plan something new in the first few months and then perfect everything from December onwards. Let’s say that your year will therefore be 2022. VOTE 7.5. ” (Update by Anna Montesano)


Paolo Fox reveals what the lucky signs of the year 2021 will be live on Rai 1 in the special episode of The usual unknown. Part good Aries, to which he assigns a 7.5 as a vote, minus the Bull which has a slightly complicated start to the year. Instead, it goes very well for Gemini, who deserve a 9. As for Libra, Fox reveals that: “You will be able to start something new, even at work, especially if you have stopped. VOTE 9 “For Scorpio:” The year begins with some hesitation, for work, home, some debts … So you start a little thoughtful, you are waiting for new projects, we start a bit in slow motion but then we a fairly interesting situation between May, June and July. ” Finally Sagittarius: “It’s a very important recovery year, you will finally be able to move.” (Update by Anna Montesano)


Paolo Fox is ready to make his ranking of the zodiac signs of 2021 live at The usual unknown. The special episode dedicated to the Italy Lottery starts with the greetings of Amadeus and the hope that the forecasts for this new year are better. “Let’s hope that with Saturn it goes better this year!” in fact the conductor hopes, “Sure yes” replies Fox. However, the expert anticipates that for some zodiac signs it will be better, for others there will be a bit to fight. During the broadcast it will reveal which zodiac signs will have a favorable destiny for 2021 and which ones will not. We just have to wait for the fateful ranking. (Update by Anna Montesano)


Among the guests of the Special Lottery Italy of Soliti Ignoti, airing this evening January 6, 2021 on Rai 1, Amadeus will also host Paolo Fox, ready to devote himself to the horoscope for this new year. After the controversy of the last few days, the expert is preparing to list sign by sign in the usual ranking that, we remind you, it will be possible to follow during the special episode broadcast from 20.35 on Rai 1 (channel 1 or 501 (HD version) of the digital terrestrial, to key 101 of the Sky decoder). It will also be possible to follow it in live streaming via the free RaiPlay.it platform. Finally always on RaiPlay it will be possible to see the program at any time thanks to the on demand function. (Update by Anna Montesano)


Paolo Fox, on the day of the Epiphany, returns to reveal the forecasts ofhoroscope 2021. The most famous astrologer of Italian television, after revealing new details on what will be the new year according to the stars in the living room on Sunday In, in the space of I Fatti Vostri dedicated to the horoscope, in the episode broadcast today, Wednesday 6 January, it returns to reveal the stellar forecasts for love, luck and the work of all twelve zodiac signs. So what will the new year be like? Which sign will be able to live peacefully in the coming months, also realizing their professional and sentimental dreams?

As always, before any prediction, Paolo Fox will remind viewers not to believe in his horoscope a priori, but to verify. The astrologer has already provided many indications on what 2021 will be according to the forecasts of the stars, but in the episode of the Epiphany of I Soliti Ignoti Speciale Lottery Italy, he will reveal further details on what could happen. C.What does Paolo Fox 2021 horoscope predict?


According to the forecasts of Paolo Fox horoscope has already done during the first days of 2021, the new year will be very positive for air signs. Aquarius, Gemini and Libra they should thus live twelve months in great dust, managing to revolutionize what is wrong in their lives and laying the foundations to make their dreams come true. It should be a very quiet year, however, for the sign of Fishes who should be able to find sincere affection, but also to definitively turn the page by closing chapters that are no longer good in their existence. L‘Aries, instead, it should experience a year of rebirth while the Toro should pay particular attention to the financial sector and the professional sphere.

According to the forecasts of the horoscope Paolo Fox should experience a year of rebirth on Cancer after a decidedly difficult 2020 while the Leone he should be able to assert his identity even if he might be forced to fight to do so. Having laid excellent foundations in 2020, in 2021 the Virgin should continue to live a positive year, with important news also in love while it Scorpio, after a complicated start, he should be able to get back on track. Among the most stubborn signs of the zodiac, the Capricorn should have a good year trying to save while it will be a good year for Sagittario.


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