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New Moon in Sagittarius
(from 21 to 27 November 2022)

How are you? Here is next week’s horoscope, dedicated to the entrance of the Sun into Sagittarius and to a beautiful New Moon which wednesday 23 And Thursday 24 it will set in motion a lot of situations. In fact, the new moon is the beginning of a new lunar cycle and has in itself the flavor of beginnings and new departures. This New Moon then rises in Sagittarius, the sign of exploration and research) and it really makes sense to push each of us to get back on the road, metaphorically or literally!

I dedicated a video insight to her that will be released tomorrow (November 21) at 21 on Youtube channel! And speaking of travel, these transits in Sagittarius have kicked off my book presentation TOUR that took me yesterday to Milan on an unforgettable afternoon at the Duomo together with Vale Ricci. Today was Genoa’s turn and next Wednesday November 23rd I’ll be in Florence at the Libraccio in Via dei Cerretani! I want to sincerely thank everyone who came to see me, and everyone who will come to the next tour dates that you can find at this LINK!

I just have to leave you to read the horoscope, thanking you once again for the love and attention that week after week you dedicate to this great project of ours. Without you, none of this would exist! In this period then all this love I feel stronger than ever every time I meet you in the library! Thank you so much!

A hug and happy reading to all!
With love,

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