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Horoscope for today, Thursday 15 October 2020 – Forecasts for all signs

Today’s horoscope

Here it ishoroscope today Thursday 15 October 2020. We arrived on Thursday. What turn will the week of the zodiac signs take? The Leone will have a lot of strength and success, the Weight scale will regain more optimism, thanks to the Moon in the sign. Possible problems at work for the‘Aries, while the Capricorn will definitely be under stress. Would you like to know more? Read today’s horoscope, dedicated to all the signs of the zodiac.

Horoscope for today Thursday 15 October 2020: signs of fire

Aries: according to today you will have to deal with the Moon in dissonance which could cause you some problems at work. If so, don’t react on impulse, but be patient! Leone: you will have strength, charisma and success. It promises to be a decidedly intriguing day, both in love and at work. Sagittario: The mood will be better than in the past few days, but you will still have to struggle a lot before you can start your projects.

Horoscope for today Thursday 15 October 2020: earth signs

Toro: promises to be a very stimulating day, especially in love. Venus in excellent aspect will allow the rapprochements and reconciliations. Virgin: yet another lucky day of a memorable period! What you have been looking for for some time, you may find it under your eyes today! Capricorn: you will have to be very careful, because you will feel very stressed. Watch out for moments of tension!

Horoscope for today Thursday 15 October 2020: air signs

Gemini: according to today’s horoscope you will have more energy than in the past days. Perhaps you will be able to solve even a small problem that has been bothering you for a while. Weight scale: the Moon will be in your sign and will bring you energy and optimism. New opportunities in sight. aquarium: it is time to let go of the past and to open up to the change in progress, be it a move or a new lifestyle.

Today’s horoscope Thursday 15 October 2020: signs of water

Cancer: you may have a small physical loss, maybe you will be alone in the midst of hostile people. Hold on and get rid of those who make you feel bad. Scorpio: pay attention to the insights you will have, because they could prove invaluable! Good-looking Mercury will help you make the right decisions at work. Fishes: Today you can recover a little in love, but you will have to try to be less brusque and provocative towards your partner, even if it has recently made you angry!

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