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Horoscope for Saturday, September 5: Day for homework


You have a good chance of settling down with people you’ve recently scolded. Apologize and your relationship will flow in a calm tone again. Otherwise, you will eat what you might have been if it did, and it will definitely not add to your mood or health.


You are in a situation where you are lifted into the cloud at work. But your natural modesty keeps you grounded. In the area of ​​love, the situation changes and you can say what you desire and you know very well that you deserve to be pampered and interested by your counterpart.


A somewhat demanding day in the family. You are asked to be very interested in homework, but you prefer to attend educational courses and interesting people who can enrich you with their mental flight. However, you will have to enrich yourself and your home background.


You are successful if you decide to invest money in your family. The sun in the sign of Virgo gives you great opportunities to improve the family home. You will have great ideas for which others would have to hire a lot of additional staff and it will burn you.

Wondering what you can look forward to in September? Find out now with your monthly tarot!


You still don’t like the stars too much in love, you seem uninvolved, even though you love deeply and sincerely, for example. You will need to try to be more open, and if you do not know the words, try to say what you want and need, for example, body language.


Suitable days for love. Beware as the day goes on, however, your love prospects slowly get worse. At work, you are able to implement things in a team and help your co-workers to the right extent. This will earn you the award of the boss, even if only on the basis of verbal evaluation.


Today, Mercury is moving into your sign, and in the area of ​​love, you are burdened by a partner who runs after you like a dog. You lack the freedom and the feeling that you can talk to him on an equal footing. Try to start talking about your current feeling of lack of freedom. He will understand!


Beware of the excess of emotions you direct to your partner. It will be better if you do not confide in deep feelings these days, you would be less understood than in the following days. And instead of enjoying each other, there would be quarrels on the agenda.

Personalized interpretation by a fortune teller! Draw your own cards! Tarot will tell you everything about your love life!


Today you have a love affair, but in the next few days you will be in the whirl of passion, so take advantage of today’s decline and go solo to the city, where you can buy sexy lingerie or other surprises for the upcoming big love period.


You are in great working shape. But try not to force other family members to the same hectic pace. At best, you would then have to literally heck them and, at worst, bribe them with sweets or threaten them with various penalties, which is not the way to cool.


In love you are a little reserved. The counterpart is probably a little sorry. At home, Mars in Aries is causing you trouble, you can’t explain to your loved ones where they are making mistakes, as if your opinion was overlooked, which, even though you’re cool, can really turn you white.


A good time to care for your offspring. You will disguise them and praise their achievements a little uncritically. They will be satisfied and you will be proud of what kind of smart and clever children you have. Satisfaction will be general, just prefer not to open the student book.

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