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Horoscope for Capricorn and for all the signs of today 15 and tomorrow 16 May

Capricorn horoscope for today and tomorrow. What yours predicts Horoscope for today May 15 2021?

This is how the positions and movements of celestial bodies relative to the Earth affect today and tomorrow on all signs: Aries, Toro, Gemini, Cancer, Leone, Virgin, Weight scale, Scorpio, Sagittario, Capricorn, aquarium e Fishes.

Today’s Blackbeard horoscope


With the Moon and Mars opposed by the unfavorable sign of Cancer, today you will be hypercritical, intolerant and even a little too self-referential. Give these planetary hostilities while driving, don’t get distracted by your thoughts. Read also tomorrow’s Horoscope for Capricorn and for all signs


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