Home » today » Entertainment » Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu. Aries and Taurus have many opportunities, Scorpios get rid of karmic payments

Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu. Aries and Taurus have many opportunities, Scorpios get rid of karmic payments

Astrologer Cristina Demetrescu has created the astrogram for the end of 2022 and next year for all signs.

Cristina Demetrescu he appreciated that a good year lies ahead for Romania, even if the appearance of the Black Moon will replace the karmic payments dragging us down.

Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu for Aries

Aries is in a good pose for the age. He has to find his independence. There are some Aries who are not into what they are doing now and need to find themselves. Saturn stays in a good house until March next year. Aries has a lucky year, 2023, full of opportunities. Aries is hardwired to be an independent man. At 20 it means breaking away from the family. At 45 it’s a question of changing jobs, changing bands. That is, give up something and go to another area of ​​u200bu200binterest. At the end of the year, they have good days in terms of health. Anyone who leaves the house often should pay more attention to their own home. Do not leave valuables unattended. Travelers may be disappointed with the resorts they end up at.

Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu for Taurus

It is the second lucky sign in the horoscope. It’s a financial sign and comes from Uranus, which has brought a lot of unpredictability, and Taurus is very calculating and needs to know what’s in store. They have job opportunities. Taurus is hardworking or so, more Venusian, more at ease than him. I can get into leadership positions. Those who don’t know why he has health problems will find out what he has, others close some conflicts. The great benefit will come from May onwards also for Taurus. There will be food and money, and banking and currency fluctuations will decrease. They have to pay attention to what is happening now. It is the double crossing that confuses things and makes us chaotic, but creates two directions. He could have two jobs or do something in parallel. That is, not to resign, so as not to end up in crisis.

Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu for Gemini

They are under the auspices of Mars retrograde and are tired. They are overwhelmed by small and petty things. It may be an urgent matter that concerns them. There are planets in dual signs, and the schedule fills up and we get shallow about everything. We are going in different directions. Retrograde Mars is until January 13, but Gemini suffers the most and shakes up others too. He is protected, he can talk, but there are health problems, with him or with his family, but he meets the right people to help him. Health problems end in May-July. They have a period of career growth, especially for those without education. Those who are prepared and already have schooling and experience can be invited by other people to occupy more important positions or to be “front man” in prize competitions, ie to acquire fame. They are offered things if they have a background. But they cannot rejoice because of retrograde Mars. Twins only see black ones

Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu for Cancer

I am in a period of transformation, it lasts up to the year. As a state of mind, it’s turmoil, it’s the black moon until January 8th. They rest harder, they are more tired, but they should be very careful. There are new fields of activity, administrative changes. They can travel, they have a good planet, Jupiter in Pisces. He helps us all, he is in a spiritual position, he who prays is successful. It’s something that repeats itself, but not too often, and it takes you far for a miracle to happen to you. It’s a travel pose. Cancer isn’t outgoing, it’s more at home. Currently, all planets show the need to seek. After January 8, the black moon leaves the sign of Cancer.

Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu for Leo

It is a karmic period that is closing, many complain of anxieties, but which are false. I am in an elevated moment, in an elevated position, of change. It’s a conservative sign, there are people who stay in institutions for years. Now they have opportunities to consider. Traveling you understand certain things, it’s not just about staying. For some it means departure, for others management positions. I stay in the marital area, there are tensions there. Particularly close people who do not support the native of Leo. He needs to be more vocal because he’s generally stuck. It’s a time when people are forced. Some will say, “I’ll do it tomorrow.” It’s a good time financially, but Leo goes into big changes, especially for those who can’t stand change. These are home, place, occupation, marital status. There will be many changes.

Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu for Virgo

Some had tensions related to jobs, careers, nowhere to be found. They have had some changes in the fate chapter and need understanding. Mars retrograde comes in the career zone. Virgo isn’t a comfortable sign either, she fears, but next year she’ll gather courage. Next year, he will forget about fear and move on to changes. There can also be changes in personal terms. That’s because when you make a decision and make a change, you make changes across the spectrum. I can sell a house, go somewhere, Saturn will enter Pisces, a sign that he talks about the medical plan. They will do something out of courage, but also out of madness. Virgo can go in this direction. They solve their family problems, and when something does not suit them, they change. It is an additional occupation that brings in more money than the salary.

Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu for Libra

Next year enter a karma on the sign of Libra. It would be fair to make planning decisions later this year because there will be overlap. Lately, professionally, it’s been worse. They can be hired now, have a good planet at the end of the year. Giving up on fate also brings courage. They don’t have a good period in the relationship with foreign countries. There are blocks. There will also be changes in sentimental terms. These planets are changes in relationships. Either they close or they start.

Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu for Scorpio

The sign that brings karma behind. Last year it was more difficult. For 6-7 months we have this Karma pose in Scorpio, but it also brings purification. They need support and help. The end of the year does not catch them in good positions in terms of travel abroad. There are also past due expenses, subpoenas, fines, taxes. It annoys them a lot, the expenses keep coming. They will last until January and the budget will suffer. So they will travel closer. They have a very good year at work. But also the idea of ​​finding yourself in what you like to do. There is a lot of fatigue and many lose energy in activities that don’t motivate us, they only consume us, they don’t charge us. The money they lose is often like the taxes people pay when they don’t realize they need to make a change. The universe doesn’t chase you and when this damage appears, we have to think about where it comes from.

Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu for Sagittarius

We have Venus, Mercury we have planets, they must feel optimistic. Destiny is activity-oriented and a lot of work. Things are going badly, but that’s what they have to do. It is a sign that he appreciates freedom, which he currently does not have. He has sacrifices to make for others, friends, family. They have to answer everything correctly. Big Troubles from Mars Retrograde in Gemini. Sagittarius earns more. They get into conflicts and wars and better calculate what they do and say. They have money problems, so this is not the time for big investment decisions. A good year for children, Jupiter in Aries will activate them.

Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu for Capricorn

Slightly higher tensions at the end of the year. Zodiac natives don’t understand why they don’t feel well. It’s no good fighting with windmills right now. It should focus on home, family problems. Some move house, others increase the family. There are also big changes on the sentimental side. More caution for those who make investments, linked to money and expenses, because they can get out of control. It’s a great time for studies, next 2 years. They must be careful about their health during this period. Be careful if you go skiing, there will be many fractures.

Retrograde Mars in Gemini is dangerous, but accidents can be avoided. If it’s not necessary, don’t force something that can hurt you. Until January 13, the direction is bad, but it can be until March 25, for some signs.

Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu for Aquarius

They have more to shoot, Saturn has been a lesson for them, an effort. Everyone to climb their own mountain. Some health issues I can’t figure out. They can be somatic, difficult to diagnose, and must undergo several diagnoses. It’s in the mild disease area. It has been bothering them for 14 years in the area of ​​u200bu200bthe planet Pluto. Lucurie will be reborn from 2023. They are doing well financially. Some money is coming from somewhere. To find its place. Some may have to leave home or have things to learn.

Horoscope 2023 with Cristina Demetrescu for Pisces

They must have the courage to do something new. A journey, something daring. Better take advantage of it now. They could also be under pressure from Saturn, but next year it enters their sign and concludes a more occult period of their lives. Pisces are not very organized, but this master planet comes to their aid. Some specialize, others become more responsible. There are problems in the family and between career and family. Perhaps for some it is a nuisance, a mess, they have no conformity, and in this period there are overlaps. Emotionally they are disappointed, they had high expectations for the home of love and children. They will get rid of this evil. They will have a good financial year, this planet in Pisces is good. It’s about rediscovery, Jupiter in Pisces can enlighten you.

Source: realtatea.net

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