3. The hearth as a place of gathering (9)
7. Bird they keep in England (4)
8. After the last number we know numbers one and two (6)
11. He has the right to eat fruit (15)
12. To keep it inside (15)
13. Best quality stone cavities (6)
14. That costs you your freedom (7)
15. Annoying as hell (2+2+2+8)
17. Good swimming relative of the whining thrush (8)
18. Mold Not Sure (4)
19. Read counterpart of Victor van Amsberg (4+5)
1. Model family of the foreign doll (17)
2. Piece of rubber that increases book production (10)
4. Another injury, it doesn’t end (11+5)
5. Magazines with a broad view (15)
6. Good person for the right light (9+4)
9. Royal person in water management (11)
10. Winner (9)
16. The subject one sticks one’s nose into (6)
Three submitters of a good solution will receive a book voucher of 20 euros. Solutions must be received by the Scryptogram editors no later than Wednesday at 9 am. By letter, postcard: PO Box 20652, 1001 NR Amsterdam; by email: [email protected]
Solution scryptogram from September 16:
4. rose-colored glasses; 6. trench; 8. lap dog; 10. pantry; 11. turn; 12. asshole-the-wallpaperer; 14. grab; 15. UN post; 17. Human; 18. low in lime; 19. little angel.
1. Monopoly; 2. to make a hole; 3. grain store; 5. physical restraint; 6. air place; 7. core free; 9. mooring; 13. only child; 16. sums.
The book vouchers have been awarded to:
Yvette Ester, The Hague; JW Böschen, Stevensweert; C. and J. Vogelzang, Zoetermeer.
JJ Steenhuis
© JJ Steenhuis. More puzzles steenhuispuzzels.nl.
A version of this puzzle also appeared in the September 23, 2023 newspaper.
2023-09-23 11:49:02
#Scrypto #Saturday #September