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Hordain. Stellantis offers pro contracts that do not find takers

Last year, Stellantis Hordain offered 324 professionalization contracts and only 196 of them were filled. This year, 320 contracts will be available in total but, since the beginning of 2022, the same trend seems to be emerging: “We have offered 74 since January and we have found 59 candidates“, says the human resources management and development manager for the Hordain, Douvrin and Valenciennes sites.

However, to remedy this recruitment problem, Stellantis is implementing actions with its partners: Pôle Emploi, the Region and the Department in particular. “We hold information meetings, we publish many announcements on social networks but there seem to be brakesEric Moriss notes.

Which ? There is of course that of mobility, recurrent on the territory of Valenciennes and even beyond, in the region. “But we have just opened our contracts to those who do not have the permit, continues the HR manager, and we have set up free shuttles until next June from Valenciennes station.”

of the 100 hires we have had the opportunity to make over the past three years, between 60 and 70 have come from this training process

So, why such difficulties in recruiting? “Honestly, we wonder.” The health crisis seems to be having its impact. But more generally,the professionalization contract has bad press, thinks Jean-Pierre Papin, Director of Communications, there is still this idea that it is underemployment, badly paid while it offers all the advantages which make the remuneration the same as an interim contract over an equivalent period.”

Or, insiste Eric Moriss, “of the 100 hires we have had the opportunity to make over the past three years, between 60 and 70 have come from this training process.” And even, abounds Jean-Pierre Papin, “failing to offer the guarantee of being hired by ourselves, the certificate of qualification and the professional title given at the end of the training are very recognized outside and sell very well on the market of the use. 80% of people trained find a job in industry within six months of completing their course.”

Especially since, wishing to fully play its social role, Stellantis opens these contracts (10 weeks of theoretical training, the rest in the factory) to people who are very far from employment. No degree or age is required. Only criteria:motivation, motivation and motivationEric Moriss hammers.then, we train, in know-how and know-how.

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