Transport: Hoffmann, Rützel and Hombach are committed to an important construction project at the Federal Ministry of Transport
The members of the Bundestag Alexander Hoffmann (CSU) and Bernd Rützel (SPD) together with Mayor Michael Hombach in the Federal Ministry of Transport have campaigned for the Karlstadt station to be barrier-free soon.
There they recently had a conversation with the Parliamentary State Secretary and Federal Government Commissioner for Railways, Michael Theurer. There is still no concrete date, but at least there is hope: Because the two platforms are to be “soon raised to 76 centimeters,” according to a statement from both MPs.
For track 1, this should be clocked in with registered track closures for 2024, according to a request from the town hall. Both should be increased by the timetable change in December 2027 at the latest, the MPs noted in the conversation. A coordinated press release by the MPs, the head of the town hall and the ministry states that the train station in Karlstadt was ranked third in Bavaria in the past funding period as part of the “Funding initiative to increase the attractiveness and accessibility of train stations” (FABB). Barrier-free expansion is now being planned for the two most urgent train stations, Kaufbeuren and Gunzenhausen. Therefore, the three representatives from the district of Main-Spessart wanted to ensure that the station in the district town in the Free State was given priority.
In connection with raising the platform, access should also be made barrier-free, emphasized the three Main-Spessart residents. Such a construction measure requires long planning times and track closures. Rützel emphasized that it would make sense to take care of measures that are necessary anyway, such as the installation of elevators.
Busiest route
According to Rützel, the route between Würzburg and Gemünden is the busiest in Germany. With around 2,000 people entering the building every day, every euro is well invested in the renovation of the building yard. Hoffmann referred to the historic opportunity to use synergy effects in that, in addition to accessibility, urban planning issues can also be solved by including the pedestrian and cycle path connections on this line. Rützel asked the city of Karlstadt to resist the planned shortening of the platforms.
State Secretary Theurer emphasized that the train station in Karlstadt was one of the 1,800 future train stations in Germany. That alone already gives him a prominent priority. He announced that his house would contact DB Station and Service. There is no question that barrier-free expansion must be the next step. The federal government will look at the current funding situation to check the availability of funds for Karlstadt train station again.
»In Karlstadt we want to connect the mobility strands car, bicycle, bus and train. The barrier-free expansion is overdue and is of essential importance for our further planning,” summed up Mayor Hombach. State Secretary Theurer promised to support the project.
When asked, a spokeswoman for the railways said that there are currently plans to expand the “house platform”, i.e. the one right next to the station building, to be largely barrier-free. »From the end of 2027, a vehicle change with a new entry height is planned on the RB 53 line. Since the platform height on platform track 1 is less than 38 centimetres, this must be raised to 76 centimeters by the end of 2027.« The financing for the planning services has been secured so far. “In addition, talks are currently being held to also bring about financing for the realization/implementation,” it continues. “For the middle platform, which has tracks on both sides, there are currently no concrete prospects as to when barrier-free expansion will be possible,” said the spokeswoman.
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