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Hope and solidarity action for a sustainable future

Opinion column by United Nations Resident Coordinator Rossana Dudziak

In a world that faces multiple crises and global challenges that do not recognize borders, a sustainable future with well-being for all people is only possible with solidarity, commitment and determined action by countries and their people. Under this premise, the United Nations (UN) in Peru works with the State and Peruvian society to build a more inclusive and sustainable country.

Since its creation in 1945, the UN has been a symbol of hope, born from the conviction that it is possible to build together a world with lasting peace, where people progress and the rights of all are respected. Today, the UN mobilizes US$46 billion to address the humanitarian needs of 180 million people around the world; assists and protects 131 million people displaced by war, famine and persecution; provides vaccines to 45% of the world’s children; collaborates with countries to confront the effects of climate change; prevents conflict through diplomacy; supports peacekeeping in 11 operations; and promotes human rights through 80 international treaties and declarations.

Almost eight decades after its founding, confidence in international cooperation as a driver of sustainable development remains strong. The 193 Member States of the UN remain firmly committed to the principles of the United Nations Charter.

This was reflected in the framework of the United Nations General Assembly last September. The Member States reaffirmed their commitment to strengthening and adapting international cooperation to current demands, risks and opportunities, as well as to creating an environment that allows accelerating the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Within the framework of United Nations Day, we rekindle the hope placed 79 years ago that it is possible – and necessary – to find joint solutions to the most difficult challenges that affect all of humanity: from international conflicts; the situation of hunger, poverty and inequality; to the effects of the global climate crisis.

The Secretary General, António Guterres reminds us that hope is essential and that redoubling efforts is urgent to be able to successfully overcome current challenges. “We need decisive action and multilateral solutions to achieve shared progress and a prosperous planet,” he mentions in his message for UN Day.

In line with this call, Peru as a founding Member State of the United Nations maintains a historic and recognized trajectory in international diplomacy. Likewise, it has maintained a prominent role in promoting multilateralism as an essential means to address global challenges with the leadership of its Foreign Ministry and its Permanent Mission to the United Nations.

At the country level, 22 agencies, funds and programs operate that make up the United Nations System. Each one works with key actors in the State, international cooperation, different segments of society and the population to together accelerate the implementation of the SDGs. These concrete actions have a positive impact on the lives of thousands of vulnerable families that we serve, both in development and emergency contexts. In addition, we cooperate to improve food security; we provide technical assistance to strengthen democratic institutions; We promote the integration of migrants, refugees and host communities, among other key actions.

Always in close collaboration with the State and Peruvian society, and guided by our common principles of the United Nations Charter, we will continue to cooperate and heed the country’s call to build an inclusive and sustainable Peru, where no one is left behind.

Opinion column originally published in the newspaper Trade on the occasion of United Nations Day 2024.

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