Distinguished citizens are honored at the beginning of the Breitnauer municipal council meeting. Blood donors receive the gold medal of honor and long-serving firefighters are also honored.
It is a good tradition in the Upper Black Forest community that Breitnauer are publicly honored for their voluntary commitment. Mayor Josef Haberstroh, together with Carmen Spielmann, the on-call leader of the DRK local group Hinterzarten-Breitnau, paid tribute to four men who have been donating blood regularly for many years. The gold badge of honor went to August Simon and Frank Schwörer, who donated blood 75 times. Klaus Mark and Roland Rombach had blood drawn 50 times. “They are all role models,” said Josef Haberstroh, presenting each donor with a gift.
There were also presents and standing applause from the council representatives and visitors for two deserving firefighters who have been part of the Breitnauer Wehr for more than 60 years. Klaus Martin and Stefan Andres joined the fire service in 1962. “They did that at the age of 20, which was still a teenager at the time, since you were only considered an adult at the age of 21,” explained former district fire chief Maximilian Eschenlohr in his laudatory speech. Both would have needed their parents’ permission to take this step at the time. Klaus Martin was active in the military for 35 years before moving to the seniors department, which he headed for 20 years. Stefan Andres was active for 60 years. “Although Stefan was supposed to move into the seniors’ department after 45 years as an active player, he was committed again at the age of 65 due to staff shortages,” reported Eschenlohr. And to the best of his knowledge, Andres was never relieved. “More than 60 years as an active firefighter and finally chief extinguisher – that’s not planned in the fire department and probably unique,” summarized the former Breitnauer fire department commander.
The municipal council approved the election of Alexander Kleiser, who was confirmed in his position as commander by his comrades, as well as his deputies Markus Ruf and Robert Ruf. Long-serving rescuers were also honored. Andreas Rombach has been in the fire service for 40 years and Joachim Hug for 25.