Home » World » Hong Kong’s District Council System to be Dominated by Appointed Members

Hong Kong’s District Council System to be Dominated by Appointed Members

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The SAR government will “depoliticize” the district councils, take back the power to approve small local projects, and reduce the proportion of directly elected seats to 20%.

After the National People’s Congress of China issued an order in 2021 to rectify the electoral system of Hong Kong’s chief executive and the Legislative Council, the SAR government has adopted a plan to rectify the local council system. The new district council will be dominated by directly or indirectly appointed members, and only 20% of directly elected seats will be retained. .

Hong Kong Chief Executive Lee Ka-chao on Tuesday (May 2) accused some district councilors of endangering China’s national security, “advocating ‘Hong Kong independence’, encouraging ‘black violence’, and opposing Hong Kong’s “National Security Law”, “rudely making a decision beyond the district council as a regional consultation organizational functions”. The purpose of rectifying the composition of District Councils is to ensure that the District Councils are “de-politicized”.

After the promulgation of China’s “Hong Kong National Security Law” in June 2020, the SAR Legislative Council passed the “Public Office Amendment Ordinance” in May 2021, requiring current district councilors to swear to “support the “Basic Law” and allegiance to the Hong Kong SAR.” A large number of democrats have resigned, After refusing to take the oath, they were deprived of their seats, or were ruled invalid after taking the oath, resulting in nearly 70% of the seats being vacant.

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2023-05-02 09:17:45

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