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“Hong Kong, the rebellious” by François Bougon

Published on : 20/12/2020 – 00:08

Hong Kong’s future changed on July 1, 2020 when the new National Security Law was enacted. It signed the death knell for the high degree of autonomy that the administrative region was to enjoy until 2047.

In recent months, trials, convictions or exiles have become the daily life of this former British colony, which has long been a window on the West. Land of freedoms and rebellion, Hong Kong has never been a democracy, as François Bougon underlines in “Hong Kong the rebellious. From the pearl of the Orient to Chinese influence ”, published by Tallandier editions. François Bougon, head of the foreign service of Mediapart, sinologist, having spent many years in China, returns with Sylvie Noël on the history of this eternal rebel, that Beijing is trying today to tame.

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