Home » today » World » Hong Kong Government Postpones Garbage Levy Implementation, Faces Questions of Governance Prestige Damage

Hong Kong Government Postpones Garbage Levy Implementation, Faces Questions of Governance Prestige Damage

[The Epoch Times, January 23, 2024](Reported by Epoch Times reporter Chen Kai in Hong Kong) The garbage levy has been postponed to August 1, and government departments and some buildings will implement it on a trial basis from April 1. The Hong Kong government has been questioned about damaging the prestige of governance. . The Secretary for the Environment and Ecology, Mr Tse Chin-wan, who announced last year that there would be no extension, said that through online and media responses, the authorities found that many citizens still had questions about the levy, such as concerns about whether the designated bags were perishable and the disposal methods after garbage collection, etc. He reiterated that the authorities This is not an unreasonable stoppage, but a responsible approach, transforming publicity and education into more effective ways, and allowing the public to see actual operations.

Will it be too late to answer the question: There is no “magic magic button” to change society

Tse Chin-wan attended the programs of RTHK, Commercial Channel and Metro Radio earlier today (22nd) to explain the delay in implementation. He emphasized that the implementation of garbage charging is a good thing for Hong Kong, but it depends on the society’s understanding of the policy. The authorities 2 Suitable buildings, including residential buildings, will be identified for “pilot trials” within this month. After getting familiar with them in a short period of time, they will be shown to the public. The authorities will also make introductions to district councils and care teams, hoping that they will provide assistance in the future to bring relevant information about the garbage levy to the public. In addition, designated bags will be made available to the public during publicity and education.

However, he did not directly respond to whether the levy would be delayed again. “It’s not like there is a magic day. On this day we press the button and the whole society changes.” He also said that it will take 3 to 5 years for many places to adapt to the garbage levy. Although this extension will take more time, it will be beneficial to changing social culture.

Regarding the comments made by the Director of the Environmental Protection Department, Xu Haoguang, in a newspaper interview earlier, he was accused of blaming the public. Xie explained that officials may have said inaccurate words or “things that people don’t like to hear” under pressure. He stressed that at this stage, we must use the best possible methods. Well, explain it in a way that is easiest for citizens to understand.

Saying degradable bags are even less environmentally friendly

Some people on the Internet have questioned that the designated bags are easy to break. Xie Zhanhuan believes that this is a wrong message and may arouse public concerns. He emphasizes that the designated bags have passed relevant standards. The authorities have taken a video to explain that when the charges are implemented, the public will see that the designated bags are no better than the commonly used ones. Bad garbage bags. Regarding the public concern that the designated bags are not degradable plastic bags, he explained that some materials in degradable plastic bags can easily stick to chemicals or toxins, and the degradation process will cause greater harm to the natural environment. Currently, the EU has banned the use of some degradable plastic bags. bag.

As for the concerns of the catering and elderly care industries about the significant increase in costs after the implementation of the levy, Tse Chin-wan said that the authorities had conducted many detailed discussions with the industry since the beginning of the formulation of the legislation, and the frontline needed time to explore the actual operation. The authorities had provided a lot of code guidance; he It is believed that various industries can reduce costs by classifying and recycling waste. If institutions encounter special difficulties, the authorities will discuss support with the industry. @

Editor in charge: Chen Zhen

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2024-01-23 12:22:08

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