Home » today » News » Hong Kong Cherry Blossom|Kadoorie Farm has early cherry blossoms!From the fifth day of the lunar new year, you can enter the venue for Universiade + flower viewing

Hong Kong Cherry Blossom|Kadoorie Farm has early cherry blossoms!From the fifth day of the lunar new year, you can enter the venue for Universiade + flower viewing

[Hong Kong Cherry Blossoms]Speaking of cherry blossoms, many people will think of Japan and South Korea. In fact, there are cherry blossoms in Hong Kong for everyone to enjoy! Recently, some friends in the photography industry discovered that the bell flower cherry blossoms in the New Territories are already in full bloom. From the fifth day of the Lunar New Year, everyone can “check in” under the cherry blossom trees and leave memories of the new year!

Hong Kong Cherry Blossom|Kadoorie Farm has early cherry blossoms!From the fifth day of the lunar new year, you can enter the venue for Universiade + flower viewing

When the earth returns to spring at the beginning of the year, it is the best time of year to enjoy cherry blossoms in Hong Kong. A few days ago, the cherry blossoms in Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden in the New Territories have already bloomed, attracting members of major photography organizations to take pictures of the flowers and share them with the public for appreciation.

The cherry blossoms currently in full bloom in the botanical garden are bell flower cherry blossoms (also known as bell flower cherry, mountain cherry blossom, scarlet cherry, etc.), and the early cherry blossoms bloom in early spring from January to February every year. Umbrella-shaped purple-red cherry blossoms flutter in the breeze, adding color to the northern slope of Tai Mo Shan where the Botanical Garden is located.

Although the bell flower cherry blossoms have already bloomed, the Kadoorie Farm and Botanical Garden is closed from the first day to the fourth day of the Chinese New Year. Friends who want to witness the beauty of the first cherry blossoms and participate in the “Universal Luck” can wait until the fifth day of the Lunar New Year. In addition to bell flower cherry blossoms, there are also various flowers and trees such as pink plums in the botanical garden for everyone to appreciate. Friends who like plants and feel the aura of the earth, remember to visit in spring!

Kadoorie Farm and Botanic Garden

Address: Lam Kam Road, Tai Po, New Territories, Hong Kong (near Wong Chuk Yuen)
Opening hours: 09:30 – 17:00 (Closed on specified days, including the first to fourth day of the Lunar New Year)
Fees: $40; $20 (children aged 4 to 11, senior citizens aged 60 or above, or qualified disabled persons on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays); $0 (children aged below 4 years old, senior citizens aged 60 or above or qualified disabled persons admission from Monday to Friday)
Transportation: Take KMB Line 64K and get off at Kadoorie Farm and Botanical Garden Station

What kind of cherry blossoms are currently blooming in the park?

Bell flower cherry (also known as bell flower cherry, mountain cherry, scarlet cherry, etc.)

Do I need to pay an entrance fee to enjoy the flowers in the garden?

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