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Honest When Screening, Pay Attention to Body Condition Before Vaccination

GOVERNMENT The City (Pemkot) of Bandung is currently accelerating the Covid-19 vaccination for ages 12-17 or teenagers. The vaccine used is Sinovac which is known to have a low Post Immunization Adverse Event (AEFI).

Even so, adolescents aged 12-17 years who will be vaccinated must also pay attention to their body condition. Head of UPT Puskesmas Pagarsih, dr. Trisiana Irawati conveyed to the public, including teenagers who will be vaccinated, must be in good health. It can also be known during the screening process.

“Physically and mentally healthy. If you are physically healthy, of course you must prepare enough sleep (7-8 hours), not tired or not tired at least one day before,” he said on the sidelines of vaccination activities for 12-17 year olds at SDN 023 Pajagalan, Kota Bandung, Saturday (2 October 2021).

Then, when you wake up in the morning, proceed with cleaning your body and having breakfast. The mind must also remain calm, especially not affected by the hoax circulating about vaccines.

“Pray (to be calm), while waiting for the vaccine, you don’t have to think too much about things that are not true. Unclear hoax news that makes you worry,” he said.

While at the vaccination site, he advised them to follow the route provided and the session to be followed. Because this is to prevent crowds or queues piling up for vaccination participants.

Most importantly, during the process screening, people who will be vaccinated must be honest about their condition. Such as having a history of allergies, disorders, blood disease, heart disease, or asthma. “You have to be honest with the doctor from the start. When he is sick, for example, a cough, runny nose, or diarrhea, he must be honest. It is better to communicate so that it is not contagious, because coughing colds during a pandemic is a suspect for Covid-19,” he said.

Trisiana also emphasized that there were teenagers aged 12-17 years after the vaccine immediately fainted and even fainted. The case was not because of the Sinovac vaccine that was injected, but it could be that when the child was given the vaccine, he often fainted.

“There were several cases of fainting (after the vaccine), because he often fainted. In the past, when he was vaccinated for rubella and so on, he used to faint, and most of his children didn’t say anything before,” he said.

“So the important thing is to be honest with the doctor. Don’t be afraid, it’s for the common good. If KIPI Sinovac is mostly local pain, the needle is small, everyone has a different level of pain,” he continued.

Trisiana said, sometimes there is an incident when someone is vaccinated and will get sick on that day or during the incubation period. After being vaccinated the next day cough, runny nose, or diarrhea.

“Even though he could have eaten spicy food yesterday, he ended up blaming the vaccine. Even though it’s called incoincidence. So the occurrence of disease after being vaccinated but not because of the vaccine. It just so happens that when you get sick and the incubation period of the disease, “he said.* great

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