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Honduran migrants break police fence on Guatemala border

Esquipulas, Guatemala.

More than a thousand of Honduran migrants They broke a police barrier on the border of Guatemala on Thursday to join hundreds of their compatriots who left in a caravan heading to the United States fleeing from poverty and violence.

The migrants, who carried a large Honduran flag in front, overcame the police fence to cross the Guatemalan border post from without major incidents. Hot Water (east) without doing the immigration process.

Honduran migrants, including numerous children, left since the night of Tuesday of San Pedro Sula, 180 km north of Tegucigalpa, and since Wednesday they began to enter Guatemala where they have dispersed.

Guatemalan authorities reported that so far 1,350 Hondurans had submitted the documentation required for go through hot water and the border post of El Cinchado, on the Caribbean (northeast).

“Here we go forward, to the American dream,” Kelvin Ramos told the AFP in the Migrant House of the Catholic Church in the town of Esquipulas, bordering with Honduras.

“They say they pay well in the United States for painting houses, “added Ramos, dedicated to that job in Honduras.

Aleida Serrato, delegate of the Attorney General’s Office Human Rights (PDH) from the northeastern department of Izabal, explained that migrants who entered Guatemala through the Cinchado dispersed along the road to the border crossing of the jungle department of Petén (north), adjacent to Mexico.

“It is better to walk, to flee the country,” lamented Mariano de Jesus, a migrant who hoped to go to Guatemala and complained about Honduran president, Juan Orlando Hernández, because of the poverty situation in your country.

Mariano subsisted as a masonry assistant, a “chamba” (job) that says “it’s worthless.”

Thousands of Hondurans, Salvadorans and Guatemalans, began to go out in caravans since the last quarter of 2018 crossing Mexico to reach the United States, fleeing violence and poverty in their countries.

The phenomenon caused the president’s anger American Donald Trump, who pressured Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador to sign agreements to stop migratory waves.

This new caravan has the warning that it will not be allowed to enter Mexico, Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei said on Wednesday.

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