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Honda’s Potential Return to Europe After Closing Swindon in 2021: Could Spain Be the Destination for a New Factory?

Europe has been, for many years, the nerve center of the automotive sector worldwide. It is true that the American market, the US specifically, took center stage but not because it was the cradle, but because its sales quickly surpassed the Old Continent. The fact is that if a brand wants to be credible it has to have a great plan to conquer Europe. And Honda is one of the brands that has been most trusted in this region of the globe.

Not in vain, customers have Honda on a pedestal because the reliability of its models is above the sector average. However, due to a series of bad decisions, those responsible for the Japanese firm had to stop their operations on this continent. Not the sale of their cars but the assembly since By having their factory in the United Kingdom, they ran the risk of “being hurt” due to Brexit. However, now they could come back…


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Honda closed Swindon in 2021 but due to logistical and tariff needs it could return to Europe…

Maybe you forgot but Honda had a factory in Swindon (United Kingdom). This technical center opened its doors in 1985 and has produced such important models for the firm as the Jazz, Civic, Accord and CR-V. In fact, many have been assembled on a global basis since they were sent from the United Kingdom to other countries. Well then, Due to Brexit, the Japanese brand made the decision to close it last year 2021.

Well, now that it seems that the Brexit situation has normalized, they could reverse their decision. At the moment there is nothing official although several media outlets have echoed the words of some directors of the Japanese company. According to the Auto Express guys…

«The CEO of Honda, Toshihiro Mibe does not rule out the possibility of car production returning to Europedespite the fact that his company closed its factory in Swindon in 2021″

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Mibe’s words have been collected within the framework of the CES Las Vegas Well, Honda has presented at this event the plan that announces part of its future. That is, the new range of “O” electric vehicles which will initially be composed of a production version of the Saloon Concept. Later, a couple of SUVs will arrive as well as a small vehicle the size of the Jazz along with a sports car about which, for now, little, or nothing, is known.

However, in which country will you put your new factory? Would Spain be a good option?

Taking into account your plans and goal of being emissions neutral by 2050 Local production for its European models seems a very valid option to achieve this objective. Thus, when they asked Mibe about his possible return to Europe and the decision they made when closing Swindon This gave the following headline…

«The decision at that time was correct. In the future, Honda will be active in the market [europeo] with cars produced in the rest of the world»

Furthermore, when asked about his possible return to Europeresponded that…

«It may be a possibility, but for the moment we plan to export to Europe. “There is nothing decided at this time.”

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The problem is that the area occupied by its old technical center is going to be occupied by a new housing complex, so returning to it is at least impossible. Hence, if they decide to return they will have to start almost from scratch since They will have to choose a country to build their new factory. And this is where we enter the realm of speculation when thinking that Would it be possible for them to choose Spain? Surely it’s not like that but…

Fuente – Auto Express

2024-01-22 17:06:17
#Honda #return #manufacturing #cars #Europe #closing #Swindon

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