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Homophobic insults – Patrice Evra: request for a fine of 1,500 euros from the former footballer

In 2019, Patrice Evra, former captain of the Blues (41), insulted the players of Paris Saint-Germain in a video that went viral on social networks…

“You’re p*d*s”

A fine of 1,500 euros was requested on Thursday 15 December, 300 of which in suspension Patrice Evratried for homophobic insult in the Paris police court, for tips thrown at the PSG in March 2019. In a video posted on social media at that time after Manchester United’s victory against Paris in the Champions League, the former player and captain of the Mancunian team sang: “Paris, you are p*d*s, you are p*d*s… Here, it’s the men who speak”.

The Stop Homophobia and Mousse associations, with the support of the anti-homophobia collective Rouge Direct, had filed a complaint for “public insult against a group of people because of their sexual orientation”. However, the investigating judge had reclassified the facts as a ‘non-public insult’, referring the case to the police court. He felt it Patrice Evra is silent “expressed privately for the making of a video then posted on Snapchat without his knowledge”.

> On the same topic: Homophobic insults: denunciation of a collective against Patrice Evra

“What he’s aiming for is PSG”

During the hearing, Jérôme Boursican, the lawyer of Patrice Evrahe said his client was not going to “hurting the gay community”and “what he’s aiming for is PSG”. If the conditions of the former French international are “unacceptable”, “he’s a guy who grew up in the neighborhoods, who talks like that”argued the rep of the former Blues captain.

For his part, the associations’ lawyer, Etienne Deshoulières, insisted that the video, still on the web, has been viewed nearly a million times, national media report as Le Figaro. The decision will be made on February 9.

> everythingnews in France on LINFO.re

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