Mönchengladbach / Tönisvorst (ots)
On Sunday, October 22nd, around 2:25 a.m., an argument broke out between a 56-year-old and a 30-year-old man in the apartment of an apartment building in St. Tönis.
During the altercation, the 30-year-old suffered injuries with a knife that resulted in his death. A homicide squad from the Mönchengladbach police has started the investigation.
The 56-year-old is strongly suspected of having stabbed the 30-year-old. The man was temporarily arrested.
For tactical reasons, no further details are being provided on the matter at this time.
The homicide squad’s investigation is ongoing. (cr)
If you have any questions from journalists, please send them to:
Mönchengladbach police
Press office Telephone: 02161/29 10 222 Email: pressestelle.moenchengladbach@polizei.nrw.de
Original content from: Viersen district police authority, transmitted by news aktuell
#POLVIE #Joint #press #release #Krefeld #public #prosecutors #office #Mönchengladbach #Viersen #police #30yearold #fatally #injured #knife #56yearold #provisionally #arrested