Home » today » News » Homelessness, insecurity and unhealthy conditions worry New York subway passengers in winter | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Homelessness, insecurity and unhealthy conditions worry New York subway passengers in winter | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

round of snow and also thethread.jon before the descent oftemperature are athomeless who or shelters insubway. that is the problem ofhygiene and safety.It is one of the stations ascrowded of the big apple.this critical panorama?Alejandro: with the casualtiestemperatures of these ías,warmth and shelter in theunderground stations.in general, it is a situationwhat is generating a lotcontroversy to passengerswho fear for their safety.>> there are many people insideof the trains by the cold.it is dangerous too,because there is a lot of bandit.Alejandro: a recent onesurvey has revealed that if thecity ​​does not solve the problemcleanliness and safety, soontravelers working in newyork could return.>> it’s ugly to see it, but warm it upthe problematic, sometimes ofmany helps, but that thepeople don’t want to take them.It is painful to see those people in thesleeping street.city ​​of skyscrapers. inthe case of the terminal where II find myself, it is a cityunderground.these hallways becomein a labyrinth for manypassengers and cantake advantage of, especially theevildoers.in the stations to findto the police always to hisdisposition.for elix, solve thesecurity problem intrain and subway stationsbe one of the mainchallenges of the newmayor’s administrationerick adams.>> in the the mayor said thatis going to have an arabic groupinsure for people withhealth problems, peoplewho have lost their apartmentwho have turned the train,because he has no other place toto come.Alejandro: for securityalso go through the fightagainst covid19 byexample, in this stationavailable where are thetests to detectcoronavirus. is a waycomplete to keep safe

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