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Homecourt. Football: a union rewarded, labeled

This is the story of three clubs that united, before the rocking of the football planet and the world itself. We are in September 2019 and the Val de l’Orne Football Club has just come out of the ground or rather the grass. A few months later, the coronavirus also appears and freezes the season of all sports associations. The following year will not be much more pleasing with this damn virus playing extra time.

The 2e biggest club in the department

Never mind: the VOFC, resulting from this three-way marriage between the clubs of Jœuf, Homécourt and Auboué, continues to recruit and train young people. Unity is strength: the new structure is investing in its facilities, now united under the same budgetary roof. We also train… trainers, those who show the way and transmit values ​​to young people. And we’re not just talking about the boys’ future. A large place is given to women. A sports section was also created at the new college in Homécourt. Many courses also take place during school holidays.

The investment ended up paying off: at the start of the current season, the VOFC counted 495 licensees. It is the second largest contingent in Meurthe-et-Moselle, after Vandoeuvre-lès-Nancy and its 700 licensees. The French Football Federation and District 54 are not insensitive to this progression in all the tables. And here is the local structure rewarded today: through the district, the FFF has just given two of its labels to the club which radiates throughout the Orne valley. They honor the commitment of adults vis-à-vis their protégés but also the investment of the latter.

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Two labels equivalent to silver medals

On this Saturday eve of spring, it is thus the labels “young FFF” and “young Women FFF” which are awarded to the VOFC during a ceremony. A hundred people gathered, including parents. “The merger has contributed to this labeling, but above all we must salute the work of our educators”, salutes Hervé Thiery aside, while Boualem Bouaffad, one of his peers in the co-presidency, had taken the microphone a few moments earlier to thank the FFF and the district.

The representatives of the departmental body nevertheless invite adults and young people to continue their efforts, because these are only “intermediate” labels that they have obtained. Silver medals in a way, since there are “gold or elite labels” depending on the category. While waiting to win this supreme recognition one day, the members of the VOFC received some €1,500 in prizes (jerseys, chasubles, balls, ball bags, etc.). Enough to allow the club to continue its march forward.

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