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Home workout, the best fitness apps for iOS and Android

With closed gyms, a useful tool to get in shape after the holidays are fitness apps for training at home

Home workout, the best apps to train (Pixabay)

Epiphany takes all holidays away. Tomorrow 6th January we will officially say goodbye to Christmas, New Year’s Eve, family dinners, desserts and sparkling wine. We must return to the routine of every day, with an eye to the scales. You know, when you are on vacation you tend to gain weight and the new year is the best time to get back in shape.

With the gyms still closed due to the Covid emergency, they become a fundamental tool the fitness apps available on iOS and Android. There are some that offer free exercises of all kinds and real cards, which in a few weeks can improve physical fitness. Let’s check which are the best.

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Home workout, which are the best apps

home workout
Lots of free workouts available (Pixabay)

For home training, there are several fitness app that might be right for you. The first is called “Keep, the home trainer“. As soon as it is downloaded, you will have to answer some questions such as: the goal to follow, how much you move, personal data, work experience and so on. After a few minutes, the app will plan your physical activity with over 400 exercises available.

Then there is “Sworkit: Personal Trainter”Which, unlike the first, will force you to switch to Premium version after a limited number of workouts. Also in this case you will be asked some questions, after which you will have access to over 200 ad hoc exercises. Thanks to’interval trainingFurthermore, the exercises will be chosen at random and you will not always do the same.

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Finally there is Virtuoso, very interesting because allows you to earn by training. Specifically, with the exercises you get credits and you can win products such as scales, yoga classes, blood pressure monitors, massages and so on.

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