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Home Facial Treatments to Quickly Reduce Pimple Visibility

Sometimes it happens that pimples appear on the face at the most inopportune moment. It is therefore worth using methods that will quickly reduce their visibility. What home facial treatments will help deal with pimples? You will alleviate inflammation by using two proven tricks.

If you want to get rid of pimples and reduce their visibility, it is worth reaching not only for cosmetics from the drugstore. You also have plenty of products in your kitchen pantry that will help you quickly soothe any inflammation. These are home remedies that will effectively help you deal with the problem, and you won’t spend more than a zloty on them.

Watch the video A simple way to cover skin imperfections. Pimples will no longer be a problem!

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Get rid of imperfections in one night. You can leave the pimple stars aside

Reduced skin imperfections can be more easily covered with makeup. And when they become less swollen and red, they are less conspicuous. However, you don’t have to use fashionable pimple stickers to make sure there are no traces of them left at night. It is also worth going to your home pantry for one ingredient. Thanks to it, the inflammation will be alleviated faster than you think. Of course, we’re talking about the green one tea . After brewing, once the bag has cooled down, you can use it as a compress. Apply it to the pimple for 15 minutes after your evening treatment and you will notice a big difference in the morning. You can also soak a cotton pad in cold infusion to achieve a similar effect.

A face mask made of two ingredients. Relieves inflammation after 15 minutes

It is also worth preparing a face mask once a week, which will have antibacterial and cleansing properties. Thanks to this, you will be able to get rid of skin imperfections faster and easier. To prepare such a mask, you only need fresh ones yeast . Crush 1/4 of the cube and add a little warm water or milk to give the cosmetic the consistency of a thick paste. Apply the prepared mixture to cleansed facial skin. Wash off the mask after 15 minutes and then perform standard facial care. However, remember to perform an allergy test before first use.

2023-10-22 19:36:00
#Soak #cotton #pad #place #pimple #poultice #night

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