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Holy Week at the Teatro Colón in Bogotá

Colon Theater presents the audiovisual work in Easter Lamentations, oh father! by the composer Juan Pablo Carreño, a musical dialogue between the traditional songs of Chocó, with texts by the prophet Jeremías and the Youth Philharmonic Choir of the Bogotá Philharmonic Orchestra.

The work can be enjoyed on April 1 and 2, at 11:00 am, 3:00 pm and 5:00 pm. Until full capacity. This project is produced by the Directorate of Cultural Heritage, of the National University of Colombia, which seeks to articulate the spiritual and the political to commemorate the victims in Colombia and reflect on peace.

The play can be seen in other cities in the country, thanks to the initiative of the Teatro Colón and its the National Network of Theaters, which promotes cooperation between artistic creators and managers and different venues for arts and music in the country.

Simultaneously Lamentations, oh father! can be seen in the Pablo Tobón Uribe Theater and Comfama, from Medellin; the Enrique Buenaventura Municipal Theater and the Theater Festival from Cali yel Teatro Mayor Bicentenario, from Tunja.


// Photo Courtesy National University

To complete the programming of these two days, on Thursday, April 1 at 4:00 pm it will be possible to see by the Teatro Colón Facebook
and the National University, the discussion on artistic creation as an act of commemoration and reconciliation in the audiovisual ‘Lamentaciones’. The guests to this talk are the composer Juan Pablo Carreño; the director of Cultural Heritage of the National University, María Belén Sáez de Ibarra; the photographer Jesús Abad Colorado and the soprano soloist and cantaora Nelly Valencia Caizamo.

Guided tours from March 30 to April 4

The Colón Theater keeps secrets in every corner and to live the experience of a guided tour is to know a piece of its 129 years at the service of culture. Of the March 30 to April 4, the visitors will be able to answer questions related to the stage, also to know who were the architects who participated in its construction. Discover the enigmas hidden in the lamp designed by Luigi Ramelli and find out first-hand about the technological advances that the Theater has had in recent years.

Tickets at TuBoleta or at the Theater box office.

Tour schedule

Tuesday, March 30: 4:00 pm

Wednesday, March 31: 4:00 pm

Thursday, April 1: 10:00 am / 12:00 m / 4:00 pm

Friday, April 2: 10:00 am / 12:00 m / 4:00 pm

Saturday April 3: 3:00 pm

Domingo 4 de abril: 12:00 m / 3:00 p.m.

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