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Holy Thursday: Beginning of the Paschal Triduum

Did you know that this day, this Holy Thursday, commemorates the Institution of the Eucharist as the gift of Love, the Institution of one of the Sacraments of total surrender and abandonment to the Lord is also commemorated: the Sacrament of the Priestly Order and Life of Service to others.

With the celebration of Holy Thursday, not only the Pascual Triduum opens. On this day our Catholic Church commemorates the institution of the Eucharist at the Last Supper, but at the same time with the very Words of Jesus Christ Do this in memory of me, We celebrate all the brave ones who said yes, a heartfelt yes like Mary’s to live a life consecrated to Jesus and with the gesture of Feet lavatory We also celebrate all those who dedicate their lives to serve others in a humble and extraordinary way, fulfilling the last commandment of Christ.

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On this day, which for some represents sadness, pain and even betrayal, three great events are celebrated: in the morning, we first have the call Chrism Mass, which is presided over by the Diocesan Bishop and concelebrated by his presbytery. In it the Holy Chrism is consecrated and the other oils are blessed, which are used in the administration of the main sacraments. Along with this, all priests renew the promises made on the day of their ordination. It is a manifestation of the communion existing between the bishop and his priests in the priesthood and ministry of Christ and it is with this gesture that the Priests of our church celebrate one more year of the institution of The Priestly Life.

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Then in the afternoon we have the Evening Mass where we give an Introduction to the celebration of the Paschal Triduum. This is how Holy Thursday reaches its maximum relevance. This afternoon begins the Pascual Triduum that will culminate in the vigil that is commemorated, on the night of Holy Saturday to Easter Sunday, the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

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