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Holidays abroad are more expensive. We will pay even PLN 782 more for a holiday in Cyprus

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“The analysis carried out by the TravelData Tourism Market Research Institute shows that the price of this year’s foreign trip will be higher by an average of PLN 359. This is the largest increase in at least four years. In 2020, prices were lower by PLN 326 per annum” – we read in “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”.

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Analysts indicate that in 2019 and 2018 an upward trend could also be noticed, but on a smaller scale than today. Two years ago, prices increased on average by PLN 266, three years ago by PLN 73. Four years ago it was cheaper by PLN 193 than the year before.

More expensive tours not only on Cyprus (on average up to PLN 782), but also up to Egypt (about PLN 370), Portugal (about PLN 330), to the Canary Islands (about PLN 300) or up to Turkey (about PLN 150). If we are planning a trip to Kenya, we have to take into account that the average expenditure will be more than PLN 450. For a week’s stay in Mexico we have to add about PLN 150.

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According to experts, such a large increase is due to the increase in fuel prices, for which currently you have to pay approx. 80 percent. more year on year. It is the flight that accounts for half the cost of the entire trip. The weak zloty against the dollar and the euro is also important, and these are the currencies in which tour operators make payments for flights or hotels.

“Dziennik Gazeta Prawna” also notes that the behavior of Poles has changed. Due to the pandemic, we less and less often book trips several months in advance. The report of the Polish Chamber of Tourism shows that 30 percent. tours are booked 10 days before departure. Almost 20% decide to travel 11-20 days before departure. Before the pandemic, these statistics were different. Poles booked 26.6 percent respectively. and 13.8 percent.

Source: “Dziennik Gazeta Prawna”

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