Home » Business » Holidays: 7.7% increase in prices in Greece [γραφήματα] – 2024-09-01 01:14:23

Holidays: 7.7% increase in prices in Greece [γραφήματα] – 2024-09-01 01:14:23

For a large part of the world, vacations remain a type of luxury both in Greece and in the EU, as shown by the latest data from Eurostat for the month of July.

Specifically, the average price for holiday packages in Greece increased 7.7% in July compared to a year ago compared to an increase of 6.6% in the European Union.

In the EU, the price of domestic package holidays increased by 11.1%, while international package holidays increased by 5.7%.

The holidays

The price of package holidays is increasing across the EU from August 2021. The annual growth rate exceeded 10% in most months throughout 2022 and 2023. In particular, domestic package holidays saw a surge in prices in 2023, with the annual growth rate exceeding 20% ​​for 7 months in the same year.

In July 2024, most EU countries reported a positive annual rate of inflation for package holidays sold within their respective countries.

The highest increases were recorded for package holidays in France (+22.2% compared to July 2023), Italy (+19.5%) and Cyprus (+16.7%).

In contrast, 3 EU countries reported a negative inflation rate for package holidays: Malta (-2.9%), Finland (-2.7%) and Denmark (-0.2%).

Jump in tourism receipts

A new jump was recorded in travel receipts in the January-June 2024 semester, certifying the good image of Greek tourism.

In particular, during this period, according to the data of the Institute of the Association of Hellenic Tourism Enterprises (INSETE), travel receipts recorded a 12.2% increase, compared to the corresponding period of 2023, and amounted to 6,921 million euros.

Source: ot.gr

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