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Holiday in Switzerland: Guest appalled by prices – “rip-off”

When on holiday, tourists are often upset about the prices in restaurants. An incident during a Holiday in Switzerland is currently attracting a lot of attention. On Facebook, a guest complains about the prices in a restaurant.

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On Facebook, the user posts the bill he received from a restaurant while on holiday in Switzerland and complains about the price. He asks other users: “Please do not support the restaurant in Hergiswil near the SGV station.” According to him, the restaurant is an “absolute rip-off and does not have hospitable prices.”

Holiday in Switzerland: Guest complains on Facebook

The posted bill shows that he had to pay 22.50 francs for a Coke and a veal sausage with bread. This equates to around 23.80 euros. Not only does the guest find these prices far too expensive for a holiday in Switzerland, he also criticizes the “self-service and unfriendly staff” in the restaurant.

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As the “tz” newspaper reports, the landlady vehemently denied the guest’s accusation. The guest had been told several times that the meal was being served with a side dish. She even checked the video surveillance and reported: “I looked at it several times and clearly heard my employee pointing out to the customer that the desired menu was possible with a side dish.”

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The guest, however, argues that he was expecting French fries or a salad as a side dish. Instead, there was “only” bread and mustard, which for him absolutely does not justify the high price on holiday in Switzerland. So it’s one person’s word against another’s.

“These are normal prices in Switzerland.”

In the comments on Facebook, many people don’t understand why the guest is upset about the restaurant. One user asks: “But can you read the menu?” At least the prices are listed there. Other users also argue that prices on holiday in Switzerland are always a bit more expensive than in Germany. One user explains in the comments: “These are normal prices in Switzerland.” A little research would have prevented the shock.

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As the “tz” reports, the complaint about the restaurant is a surprise. The restaurant usually has excellent reviews on “Tripadvisor”. The restaurant’s good service is particularly emphasized and there are reports of a motivated team. However, this incident on vacation in Switzerland is not an isolated case and tourists often complain about the high prices in popular vacation spots.

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