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Hofburg: Anschober gives Hofer a basket

After the chairmen of Neos and Greens, FPÖ boss Nobert Hofer was a guest in the ORF summer talk on Monday evening. Hofer took the opportunity to present the government’s corona measures as excessive. He said one had to “proceed with measure and aim”. There are many other dangerous diseases – TBC, AIDS, hospital germs. Many people would also die from it. Due to the strict corona rules, “the economy can no longer breathe, and the health system will lack income. People will also die there, for example from heart attacks.”

A strong piece

As a former member of the government, Hofer Minister of Health Rudolf Anschober read the riot act. Decrees are to be read through. “To overlook one mistake, yes, but not to recognize 27 mistakes is a strong piece,” said Hofer.

Regarding the candidacy of ex-FPÖ chairman Heinz-Christian Strache in Vienna, Hofer said that he assumed that the FPÖ would not contest the election. That would be done by others like the party “Der Wandel”. He, Hofer, was against contesting the federal presidential election at the time because people didn’t want that. But there were a lot of mistakes.

Family, child and dog in a small apartment?

When asked whether he hadn’t had any impressions of where Strache’s center of life is, Hofer replied: “It is not very likely that this very, very small apartment in Vienna is the center of life for the whole family with children and dogs.”

The FPÖ federal chairman has already ticked off the result of the Vienna election. He expects his party to stay in double digits, but state party leader Dominik Nepp should concentrate on the next but one election and do building work. After all, the problems of the FPÖ, especially the expense affair, came from Vienna.

In the state elections in Upper Austria in a year, Manfred Haimbuchner will “stir up the state”.

Hofburg candidacy against Anschober

He himself wants to run for the federal presidential election again if Rudolf Anschober runs instead of Van der Bellen. “I would be very interested in getting into the ring.”

Anschober: “I have other worries”

Health Minister Rudolf Anschober reacted not very pleased with Hofer’s statement. According to Mittags-ZiB, he explained: “If Norbert Hofer believes that he will only return to the political discussion months after months only with speculation about a presidential election that is not currently pending, then that is his decision. I really have other worries. And I would like our Federal President to run again at the end of his first term of office. “

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