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Hof Receives “Integration Surcharge” to Improve High School Dropout Rate

Hof (dpa / lby) – Because of its high school dropout rate, the city of Hof receives additional funds from the Bavarian Ministry of Education. Mayor Eva Döhla (SPD) announced on Tuesday that the Upper Franconian city will receive a “migration surcharge” in the form of more weekly teacher hours for certain schools. Otherwise, only large Bavarian cities were awarded this contract.

The Ministry of Education speaks in this context of “integration surcharge”. A ministry spokesman explained that the focus here is on supporting schoolchildren with a migration background. However, this also generally supports the promotion of young people in social and other problematic situations.

The town of Hof an der Saale in north-eastern Upper Franconia has around 45,000 inhabitants. According to a study by the Bertelsmann Foundation, 27.7 percent of school leavers in Hof left their school in 2020 without having at least completed a secondary school diploma. In no other independent city in Germany is the rate so high. Bavaria is in a relatively good position with 5.1 percent dropping out of school. According to the survey, just over six percent of young people nationwide drop out of school prematurely.

Accordingly, young people with foreign nationality leave school almost three times as often without a qualification as their peers with German nationality. Boys drop out of school more often than girls. According to the Atlas of Germany in 2020, the proportion of foreigners in the city of Hof was a good 18 percent.

According to a statement from the city of Hof, Mayor Döhla met with Bavaria’s Minister of Education, Michael Piazolo (free voters), in Munich on Monday and talked about how to reduce the number of school leavers without a degree. The school commissioner and the chamberlain of the city of Hof were also present at the meeting with the minister.

According to the Ministry of Culture, additional career orientation measures will be made possible for Hof in the short term, the participants of which can, for example, catch up on their school leaving certificate. In order to attract teaching staff, the Ministry of Education in the Hof region made a regional bonus available, explained the Ministry spokesman. According to the ministry, Hof will also benefit in particular from the career start support and the “Gemeinsam.Bridges.bauen.bauen” program, which is intended to overcome learning deficits caused by the pandemic.

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2023-05-24 00:49:27
#High #school #dropout #rate #support #Hof #region

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