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Ho Chi Minh City marches and marches at the 50th Anniversary of Southern Liberation and national reunification

(PLO) – In 2025, the country will have five major commemorative events, including the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the Union of the South and national unification and the 80th anniversary of the founding of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, which -now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

On the evening of August 12, in Hanoi, the Central Steering Committee celebrated the main holidays and important historical events of the country in the three years 2023-2025 and worked with Ho Chi Minh City to prepare for the 50th anniversary of the The day of the liberation of the South and the unity of the country (April 30, 1975 – April 30, 2025).

View of the work session. Photo: TTXVN

Commemorating the 70th Anniversary of the Battle of Dien Bien Phu he left a very deep impression

Giving instructions at the work session, the Commissioner of the Ministry PoliticsStanding Member of the Secretariat, Head of the Steering Committee Luong Cuong, clearly stated that the Central Propaganda Committee, as a standing body of the Steering Committee, has issued Directive 69/2022 on organizing activities to free – celebrate big days in the three years 2023-2025.

During these three years, the country has many big holidays and many important historical events, including three very big events: 70th anniversary of the historic victory of Dien Bien Phu (already held) ; celebrating 50 years since the liberation of the South and the unification of the country (April 30, 1975 – April 30, 2025); Celebrate the 80th anniversary of the successful August Uprising (August 19, 1945 – August 19, 2025) and National Day (September 2, 1945 – September 2, 2025).

The Standing Committee of the Secretariat recently assessed that the Central Steering Committee successfully organized five major activities, especially the 70th anniversary of the historic victory of Dien Bien Phu with a series of nearly 70 related activities, which ‘ leaving behind a great impact on the people of the country and his friends international. The whole country looked towards Dien Bien Phu with great pride and gratitude…

Ho Chi Minh City Parades and Parades at 50th Anniversary of National Unification Day
Standing member of the Secretariat, Head of the Steering Committee Luong Cuong at the meeting. Photo: NDO

The Standing Committee of the Secretariat said that there will be seven major commemorations in 2024, of which five have been completed and two are currently remaining: The 70th anniversary of Capital Liberation Day (October 10, 1954 – 10 October, 2024). -10-2024); 80 years since the founding of the Vietnamese People’s Army and 35 years since the National Defense Festival (December 22, 1944 – December 22, 2024).

These contents are urgently being prepared by the Central Military Commission, the Ministry of National Defense and the City of Hanoi.

In 2025, according to the decision of the Secretariat, the country will have five major commemorative events, including the 95th anniversary of the founding of the Party (February 3, 1930 – February 3, 2025); 135 years since the birth of beloved Uncle Ho (May 19, 1890 – May 19, 2025); 80 years of the traditional Vietnam People’s Public Security Day (August 19, 1945 – August 19, 2025) and 20 years of the All People’s Defense Festival security Fatherland (August 19, 2005 – August 19, 2025); especially memories 50 years of Southern emancipation and national unification (April 30, 1975 – April 30, 2025) and 80 years since the founding of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (September 2, 1945 – September 2, 2025).

In order to prepare the conditions proactively and well for the successful organization of the country’s important events, the Standing Committee of the Secretariat recommended that the Steering Committee review the preparatory work, according to the assignment, which confirm the Secretary’s Decision, at the working session. Instruction 69; Identify problems, pitfalls, and drawbacks during the​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Mr. Nguyen Trong Nghia, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Department, Permanent Deputy of the Steering Committee spoke. Photo: TTXVN

Tocomplete A complete plan of commemorative activities in August

Speaking at the end of the meeting, Politburo member, Secretary of the Party Central Committee, Head of the Central Propaganda Department, Standing Deputy of the Steering Committee Nguyen Trong Nghia, stressed that from now until the date of organizing the activities, The move to celebrate major national holidays in the last six months of 2024 and early 2025 and the 50th anniversary of the Liberation of the South and national reunification is not long, while the workload very high

Mr. Nguyen Trong Nghia asked members of the Steering Committee, provinces, departments, ministries, and relevant branches to focus on leading and directing closely, strictly, synchronously, and closely co – order to perform their tasks well, assigned tasks.

Regarding the celebration of 50 years since the liberation of the South and the unification of the country, Mr. Nguyen Trong Nghia emphasized, in addition to the purpose of propaganda, a comprehensive education about the glorious history of the Communist Party of Vietnam, the country and the brave Military team of the Vietnamese people, strengthening the people’s trust in the Party and the State. association smoothly, encouraging the whole Party, the whole army, and the whole people to successfully implement the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress, organize party conferences at all levels, and moving towards the 14th Party Congress.

Therefore, the Politburo and the Secretariat have placed very high requirements on the organization of commemorative activities, focusing on key activities at the Central level, which must have gratitude and meaningful value. education In terms of politics and ideology, it is fairly new and attractive but ensures practicality, safety, savings and aims for people to benefit.

From there, the Steering Committee asked Ho Chi Minh City to urgently build and complete the entire project of commemorative activities, which was completed in August Organizations and units assigned to be in charge and coordinating such as the Propaganda Committee of the Catholic Church, the Government Office, the Ministry of the National. Defense, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry CultureSports and Tourism… focus on preparing to organize memorable activities well, focusing on the Intermediate level.

Military parade and march to celebrate 50 years of national reunification

Reporting on the preparations to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the liberation of the South and the reunification of the country, Mr. Phan Van Mai, Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City, said that the City has issuing guidelines and regulations. Until now, the city has synchronized the activities and movements of emulation to anniversary.

According to Mr. Phan Van Mai, acts of gratitude are receiving good attention, leading the entire political system together with the Ministry of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs to review and implement them. policy. Decide not to miss out on cases that will benefit from the policy.

Information about the Celebration, the Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City said that there will be a military parade during the Celebration, in which the parade will include 34 blocks of the armed forces; The parade has 11 blocks. The total number of people who participated in the march is 11,220 people. Along with that is the organization of cultural, artistic and sports activities; Launch a patriotic simulation movement at all levels and departments to celebrate the anniversary related to the implementation of targets and plans.

According to VNA

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